+1 on ES6 features & Babel JSDo you plan to use ES6 promises or replacing the existing HTTP,HTTPS requests with something like https://www.npmjs.com/package/request-promise ?
I'd also like to see an AeroGear Sender "class" inside module by using ES6 class.
Thanks,Tolis2016-01-29 20:10 GMT+02:00 Luke Holmquist <lholmqui@redhat.com>:_______________________________________________hello,I just created a JIRA for the node ups sender, https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGJS-308, that tracks the addition of using ES6(the next version of Javascript).My thoughts were to use the new features where ever possible.Since not every feature is available on all versions of node, we would use Babel.js https://babeljs.io/ , to transpile that code back to ES5(the version before es6 :)).This transpilation would happen during an "npm publish" so users would never really see a difference.The cool thing about Babel is that we can specify which features we want transpiled, so in the future this list of transpiled features would hopefully get smaller and smaller.The latest versions of node have a lot of new features in them, so it would be nice to start coding that way. For instance, this plugin, https://www.npmjs.com/package/babel-preset-node5 , is a preset for the features that node 5 has.wanted to get some thoughts on this.-Luke
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