On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Erik Jan de Wit <edewit@redhat.com> wrote:

Thinking a bit more about this (read trying out some stuff). The way we want to change the API is right now is ‘just’ the message format, how about we take a servlet filter that changes the json from the old version to the new?

There is a lib [1] that takes a json and transforms it into another json.

that sounds good to me

Other option is to have 2 jax-rs classes, but to make that work they will have to have 2 different paths. So you would have to ‘redirect’ / change the path in the servlet filter based on the accept header. Which feels like kinda of a hack to me.

While I like the above suggestion regarding the message format, couldn't we be still on the same path, and use some 'advanced' CDI injection mechanismn to inject a Version110SenderServiceImpl (or Version100ServiceImpl) ? Just curious

So WDYT any other suggestions?

Erik Jan

aerogear-dev mailing list

Matthias Wessendorf

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