
  • 1 participants
  • 228 discussions
by dependabot[bot]
8 months, 1 week
[hibernate/hibernate-search] 7f2518: TODOFIXME Disable Spring ITs because Spring does n...
by Marko Bekhta
8 months, 1 week
[hibernate/hibernate-search] 0735a3: Bump the build-dependencies group with 5 updates
by dependabot[bot]
8 months, 1 week
by dependabot[bot]
8 months, 1 week
[hibernate/hibernate-search] e9333e: Dependabot: Move gitflow-incremental-builder to bu...
by Yoann Rodière
8 months, 1 week
[hibernate/hibernate-search] 99b2a2: Bump io.github.gitflow-incremental-builder:gitflow...
by dependabot[bot]
8 months, 1 week
[hibernate/hibernate-search] 465231: Bump the build-dependencies group with 4 updates
by dependabot[bot]
8 months, 1 week
[hibernate/hibernate-orm] 17fd50: HHH-15317 - Add test for issue
by Jan Schatteman
8 months, 2 weeks
[hibernate/hibernate-search] 2970d9: HSEARCH-4940 Replace jsr-352 with jakarta batch
by Marko Bekhta
8 months, 2 weeks
[hibernate/hibernate-orm] 334565: HHH-17240 Make ClassTransformer enhancement thread...
by Christian Beikov
8 months, 2 weeks
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