  • 74 participants
  • 138 discussions
What's Coming in Drools 6.0 Slides
by Mark Proctor
11 years
[Optaplanner] No-arg constructor for BendableScoreDefinition
by jonathan.labin
11 years
G+ HashTags
by Mark Proctor
11 years
entry-point + accumulate in same rule using BRL (Guided Rule Editor)
by Ravi Gupta
11 years
What's new in Drools 6.0
by Mark Proctor
11 years
Shadow fax
by ronan.quintin
11 years
Drools eval and variable assigning.
by droolsNewbie
11 years
Fire rule only upon change of particular event (or fact)
by Jörg Henne
11 years
Just found a way to stop fact insert time evaluation (tested in 5.5)
by Sonata
11 years
entry-point and accumulate in a guided rule (BRL)
by Ravi Gupta
11 years
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