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I'm wanting to use the date-effective and date-expiry rule metadata to add date specific rule variants within my app. To test these I was planning on using the pseudo clock and setting the expected date prior to executing the rules within a StatelessKnowledgeSession. I can set the clock easily enough, but can't understand why the getSessionClock() method is missing? It's on the StatefulKnowledgeSession, but not on the Stateless.
I'm initialising the session like this:
SessionConfiguration sessionConfiguration = new SessionConfiguration();
sessionConfiguration.setClockType( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK );
StatelessKnowledgeSession session = _testKnowledgeBase.newStatelessKnowledgeSession(sessionConfiguration);
The only thing I could think of to set the pseudo clock was to write a command something like:
private static class SetPseudoClockCommand implements org.drools.process.command.Command<Boolean> {
public Boolean execute(ReteooWorkingMemory session) {
// Set the clock to the current date
pseudoSessionClock.advanceTime(new DateTime().getMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Add a couple of days
pseudoSessionClock.advanceTime(2, TimeUnit.DAYS);
return true;
But this doesn't appear to take any effect whilst rules are running.
Is there another way to get programmatic access to the session clock, or some better way of changing the underlying date prior to rule execution?

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