Here's a small update for the JMS Module.  The meeting tomorrow conflicts with another meeting I have for work so I'll unfortunately have to miss it.


- Chatted with Dan a bit about working through the planned features outlined on the module page so they're ready for Devoxx
- Plan to start working on the module again early next week
- Haven't done much with the project in a while - busy with new position at Pentaho Corporation and travel among other things

I'll check the meeting logs for what I missed.

- Jordan

On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 5:57 PM, Pete Muir <> wrote:
Hi all

Topics for the agenda:

* Collect status on each module and also future plans (best is to get your module page updated on
* Discuss the timeline for Seam 3.0.0 beta and release candidates
* Run through current dependecy requirements for each module and align

It would be great if as many modules leads as possible could attend, this meeting will result in a plan for getting Seam 3 out.

seam-dev mailing list

Jordan Ganoff