I am documenting how to migrate an application from AS5/AS6 to AS7. Its purpose is to track application changes that are required to deploy and run existing archives in AS7. It would also be useful to include general issues about migrating from EE5 to EE6. The document can be found at https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/How+do+I+migrate+my+application+from+AS5+or+AS6+to+AS7.

The current content is based on information obtained from existing community documentation, issues I ran into while migrating a Seam 2 WAR, and Andy's experience migrating existing applications. So far I have added the following:
The content is very limited at this point. so I am trying to gather additional information. Please help me build up and improve this document. I'm looking for the following:
  1. People to review what's there and give feedback, corrections, and suggestions for improvement.
  2. Additional sections that would be useful.
  3. Other components that will need to be modified when migrating applications..
  4. Anyone who has experience migrating applications to AS7 and knows of changes that must be made to successfully deploy and run the application.
Please feel free to contribute directly to this document ( https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/How+do+I+migrate+my+application+from+AS5+or+AS6+to+AS7 ) or, if you prefer, send information and feedback to me.
