I need to update Catch to use the new Solder, but I'm wondering if I want to edit the example, or ship with an older version of Servlet in the example to avoid the circular ref. Thoughts?

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 19:58, Shane Bryzak <sbryzak@redhat.com> wrote:
Before I can do the CR3 release for seam-bom (and the bundled release),
I need to know which modules are ready for final release, and which ones
are going to have a CR2 release.  The following list contains all of the
modules, along with the *assumed* version.  If any of my version
assumptions are wrong, can you please correct me ASAP (or vice-versa, if
the assumptions are correct then please confirm that also).

seam-catch 3.0.0.Final
seam-config 3.0.0.Final
seam-faces 3.0.0.Final
seam-international 3.0.0.CR2
seam-persistence 3.0.0.CR2
seam-remoting 3.0.0.Final
seam-servlet 3.0.0.CR2
seam-rest 3.0.0.Final
seam-security 3.0.0.CR2
seam-solder 3.0.0.CR2
seam-validation 3.0.0.Final
seam-wicket 3.0.0.Final

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Jason Porter

Software Engineer
Open Source Advocate
Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling

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