On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 12:23 AM, Mario Carbajal <mario.e.carbajal@gmail.com> wrote:
In a dispatched non-blocking HttpRequest handler I'm calling endExchange immediately after calling send on the response Sender. I am unsure if this will cause the sender to be interrupted or if the exchange will end only after the sender is done writing the data.

Don't do that. It will appear to work for short responses where the data can be written out in a single write() call, but if it needs to be written out by the IO thread the data will be truncated.

Once the send is completed the sender will call endExchange for you, there is no need to do it yourself (assuming you are using the version that does not take a completion callback, the default callback just calls endExchange. If you are using a callback you will need to end it yourself). 

The code looks like this:

public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception
    if (exchange.isInIoThread()) {
    try {
        ... do things ...
    }finally {

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