Hello Barry,

   Are you running the latest Undertow version in the given EE specification world? I mean:
 * Undertow 2.2.23.Final based on Java EE API versions
 * Undertow 2.3.5.Final based on Jakarta EE API versions


On Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 9:53 AM Barry Wilks via undertow-dev <undertow-dev@lists.jboss.org> wrote:

We have a problem using undertow with our spring-boot application.

I've have asked this question on Stack overflow, but wanted to get some more visibility here from those who may have a better understanding.

Not sure If I should re-produce the complete question here, I hope this doesn't upset anyone but for now I'll link to SO - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75835846/undertow-becomes-unresponsive

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