
I have a suggestion on improving the mechanism for providing cookies in io.undertow.servlet.spec.HttpServletRequestImpl using getCookies() method. 

Often not all of the cookies sent by the user are under the control of the application accessing them. It may happen that one of the cookies is not a valid cookie as being validated in javax.servlet.http.Cookie constructor. Currently, in case of an invalid cookie among the cookies received in a request, getCookies() method would propagate the IllegalArgumentException thrown from Cookie constructor when instantiating a cookie with invalid name, preventing the user from accessing the rest of the cookies which were valid.

My proposition is to ignore invalid cookies in getCookies() method, just logging such incident, instead of failing on them and returning all the valid cookies to the method caller.

What do you think about this? If you agree then I'll be happy to provide a pull-request for that.

Piotr Betkier