[aerogear-dev] Client Paging Strawman

Douglas Campos qmx at qmx.me
Mon Jan 14 16:26:55 EST 2013

On 14/01/2013, at 18:11, Summers Pittman <supittma at redhat.com> wrote:

>> Hmm, so you only create the pipes at app initialization? Looks like I was missing the android lifecycle.
> You can create one any time you like, but either a) each configuration 
> would overwrite the old pipe in Pipeline or b) you would have obnoxious 
> naming conventions.

I'm not following the naming conventions part, mind to elaborate?

> As a less contrived example, you may have a background process updating 
> cached data and a foreground process querying data.  For instance your 
> background thread was downloading all of the cars but you only want to 
> see five red cards.  It makes sense for Pipeline.get("car") to be used 
> by both threads.

And this is the place where we disagree - I would go straight to make sure that background stuff have its own pipe instances ;)

-- qmx

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