[aerogear-dev] Versioning x Roadmap x Jiras puzzle

Bruno Oliveira bruno at abstractj.org
Mon Jun 17 12:02:06 EDT 2013

Hi Kris, is not possible to do the same on Java, because we have maven 
releases: http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Caerogear-security

For now I'll stick with the following approach suggested here:

- Keep 0.1.0 version of Shiro under the same roadmap umbrella
- Create a component version 0.1.0 for Shiro and assign fix version as 
1.0.1 (because it affects the component aerogear-security) and 0.1.0 
(because it affects aerogear-security-shiro) - 

Makes sense?

Kris Borchers wrote:
> But it wouldn't have its own release version if it's released as a feature of the umbrella release. Just like in JS, Notifier won't get its own version number. Even though it's a brand new feature, it will just be part of an AeroGear.js release and not get its own version.
>> >


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