[aerogear-dev] [UnifiedPush Server] Analytics / Metrics

Erik Jan de Wit edewit at redhat.com
Mon Apr 7 10:51:44 EDT 2014

>> On the other hand, your core service has yet some things that must be fixed / perfectionated (I'm talking only about Cordova). I also think that you should consider geo-tagged notifications, which is a very important need. 
> I agree - but these things are not necessarily mutually exclusive :-)

Our aerodoc demo has an example of this use case.

> On the Cordova side of things, I would like to know more about what needs fine-tuning.  Docs? definitely need work
> And our push plugin is a wee bit fat for Android, needs to go on a diet, dexing takes a while

Once the modularisation of android is complete the push plugin will be the first to benefit from that.

> And the JS API needed some clean-up, you have seen Erik's proposals on that item

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