[aerogear-dev] Building UnifiedPush Server from sources

Erik Jan de Wit edewit at redhat.com
Mon Apr 28 11:31:55 EDT 2014

> Thanks for your patience 
> I will try this, but this morning I managed to get the exploded war in my
> jboss/standalone/deployments folder without running any maven command or
> copying stuff. I did it from a grunt command I think, but I can't do it
> again.

No, grunt does not deploy the entire war file only the assets from the admin-ui project. If you don’t create the exploded war file from the maven command line there will be no backend for the admin-ui module to talk to.

The grunt task does not create an exploded war file it only updates the console (admin-ui) module of the project within the exploded war.

Hope this is clear,
	Erik Jan

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