[aerogear-dev] UnifiedPush: Sending notifications from the AdminUI

Hylke Bons hbons at redhat.com
Tue Feb 25 08:36:49 EST 2014

It's a good start.
Before designing the actual form, maybe we should take a step back and 
think about why we'd want to send a message?

I can think of some cases:

1. Testing whether your newly created app variant and push network 
combination work correctly. It's good to have the immediate confirmation 
right after you've created a new application variant and have configured 
a push network. We could have some kind of test dialogue, which can be 
2. Debugging network issues and general testing. A fixed message could 
do the trick, but people may want to test all kinds of content to a 
variety of devices to see if there are any issues.
3. Code generation. Other than sending messages, Sebastien's form looks 
like a good way to generate code that the backend can use directly. It 
could be a sort of small visual design tool, to make using the UPS even 

There may be more?


On 25/02/2014 09:06, Sebastien Blanc wrote:
> Hi,
> I started to work on a new "Compose Message" page. The idea is that 
> you can add criterias to your message , as you can see here on this 
> screenshot :
> compose2
> I've also deployed a live version but *DICSLAIMER* this is just UI / 
> Mockup work sending will not work for now : 
> http://newpush-sblanc.rhcloud.com => Select an App and you will have a 
> "Copomse Message" link on the next page.
> Feedback is welcome.
> Sebi
> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc at gmail.com 
> <mailto:scm.blanc at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 12:52 PM, Hylke Bons <hbons at redhat.com
>     <mailto:hbons at redhat.com>> wrote:
>         Sounds good.
>         Let me know if you need any help with the mockup designs. ;)
>     Sure, I will ASAP submit a "raw" mockup on which you can work on.
>     What I would like is a dedicated page for the "Compose Push
>     Message" feature.
>     We wil have a criteria section to choose to who we want to send
>     the message. I really like for instance how Jira do that like here
>     http://postimg.org/image/5ur2j9wh5/
>     In our case we could have the drop downs for : "Variants", "Device
>     Type", "Alias" and "Categories"
>     And then below w will have a free text area to send a custom value.
>         Hylke
>         On 23/02/2014 12:08, Sebastien Blanc wrote:
>>         On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Matthias Wessendorf
>>         <matzew at apache.org <mailto:matzew at apache.org>> wrote:
>>             Hi,
>>             over the weekend I spoke w/ a friend: His company is
>>             doing some mobile (iOS/Android) apps which also support
>>             receiving push notifications.
>>             Two examples he told me. After receiving push notification:
>>             * One of their apps basically fetches the latest version
>>             of a CSV file, stored on a public HTTP Server.
>>             * Another app is used to tell sales guys new brochure
>>             files (PDF) are available on a protected resource of a
>>             webserver (which they _can_ than download from w/in the
>>             app, if the like to)
>>             The company build a simple console (PHP) which allows
>>             them to send new push messages, when ever their customers
>>             want to.
>>             I showed them our UnifiedPush Server and its usage via
>>             our AeroDoc example (iOS / backend). They really liked
>>             the UnifiedPush Server. Especially that it does store all
>>             the device metadata.
>>             But since a lot of their mobile apps don't have a backend
>>             requirement, they would still have to use their own
>>             console (which than connects to UPS)  for submitting all
>>             the push messages they want.
>>             This brings me to [AGPUSH-38] and I really think we
>>             should implement that feature. Not only for sending test
>>             messages! If our UnifiedPush Server allows its users to
>>             simple send push messages to all of their mobile apps, it
>>             would make the server even more attractive.
>>             I regret a bit that I was against [AGPUSH-38] in the
>>             beginning, I guess that's due to my Java enterprise
>>             background, where you typically find complex setups, and
>>             server talk to servers :-(
>>             Anyways, now I really think that the UPS has to have such
>>             a 'send push' facility inside of the Admin UI :-) I
>>             believe that we could reach way more potential users with
>>             something like that
>>         +9001 and I already started thinking about this for a while.
>>         I will try to submit some mockups/POCs this week so we can
>>         discuss that and I have  quickly a first working version on
>>         master.
>>             Any thoughts?
>>             Greetings,
>>             Matthias
>>             [AGPUSH-38] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGPUSH-38
>>             -- 
>>             Matthias Wessendorf
>>             blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
>>             sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
>>             twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf
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