[aerogear-dev] Passphrase encryption - REST API discussion

Karel Piwko kpiwko at redhat.com
Thu Mar 13 12:48:11 EDT 2014

I believe that command line based client is important. Either Java Sender
or Node.js Sender could be enhanced with non-sending functionality and wrapped
to provide CLI though via airline and nodejs libs. 

We already have similar stuff internally for sampling random data on OpenShift
carts, it is based on RestAssured/Spacelift though. It will not be that
difficult to make it available upstream if use case are clear ;-)

Current functionality listed at [1]

> AeroGear Clients
> - cURL
> Yesterday I had the amusing experience of dig into the sources of OpenSSL and
> their documentation, to see how people could encrypt it from the command
> line. If I recommend that people would remember my name for the eternity in a
> bad way. Another insane idea was to provide encoders for GPG. The simplest
> idea, I think, would be provide code for people encrypt their passphrase and
> certificate, instead of trust in some software.
usage: perf-test-env <command> [<args>]

The most commonly used perf-test-env commands are:
    cart-create    Create OpenShift Cartridge based on latest commit in given
organization, repository and branch. Requires rhc tools installed
help           Display help information ups-delete     Deletes data from an UPS
instance ups-dump       Dumps all data from UPS so they are usable by
performance tests ups-generate   Generates data for an UPS instance

See 'perf-test-env help <command>' for more information on a specific command.

        perf-test-env ups-generate - Generates data for an UPS instance

        perf-test-env ups-generate (-a <app-name> | --app-name <app-name>)
                [--cert-pass <certificate-passphrase>] [--cert-path
<certificate-path>] [--google-key <google-key>] [(-n <namespace> | --namespace
<namespace>)] [--no-https] [--old-password <old-password>]
                (-p <password> | --password <password>) [--port <port>]
[--production] [--project-no <project-number>] --push-app-name <push-app-name>
                [--simple-push] [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]

        -a <app-name>, --app-name <app-name>
            Name of the application on OpenShift

        --cert-pass <certificate-passphrase>
            Certificate passphrase

        --cert-path <certificate-path>
            Path to iOS certificate. If set, --cert-pass is required and iOS
            variant is created.

        --google-key <google-key>
            Google API key for Android application variant. If set, --project-no
            is required and Android variant is created.

        -n <namespace>, --namespace <namespace>
            Namespace on OpenShift, default value: mobileqa

            Use HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS

        --old-password <old-password>
            Previous password. Default value: 123

        -p <password>, --password <password>
            Password to be used for Unified Push Server login. If old-password
            matches, this one replaces the old one

        --port <port>
            Port to be used for REST calls, default value: 80 or 443, depending
            on --no-https

            If set, certificate is marked as production one

        --project-no <project-number>
            Google Project Number for Android application variant. If present,
            Android variant is created.

        --push-app-name <push-app-name>
            Push application name

            If set, SimplePush application variant is generated

        -u <username>, --username <username>
            Username to be used for Unified Push Server login, default value:

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