[aerogear-dev] gwtcon

Erik Jan de Wit edewit at redhat.com
Thu Nov 27 03:27:26 EST 2014

On 27 Nov,2014, at 9:07 , Corinne Krych <corinnekrych at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think there is definitively an interest for having one code base (Java/JavaScript: choose your weapon) for multiple platform using native look and feel. At Devoxx I attended 2 sessions on the topic:

Right the idea is not new, but I think this is a niche that could be very nice. The problem with solutions that want to be native, but work on all platforms is that they have to use the lowest common denominator or have a not really native UI it just looks that way. That is why I think having a custom native UI for each platform and reuse as much as possible the ‘business logic’ is something worth investigating as this does not exist.

> Here is an extract from my blog post devoxx summary [1]:
> "Develop your mobile app once in your favourite language and deploy it on iOS and Android. Still the Nirvana mantra for quick-win mobile development… If your language of choice is Java, see “Real cross-platform Java on mobile devices” session and how to use JavaFX to build your app on Android (LodgON) and iOS (RoboVM). UI is not yet native feel but it’s in the pipe for future as well as using Java8. If you’re a JavaScript ninja, go to “Use JavaScript to build Mobile Apps with Native UI” session to hear about Titanium. You have to learn a titanium specific API to build all your app including UI. but, UI get bridged into native widgets. As … stresses a lot no lowest common denominator, When you need to go platform specific use a if/else :)) “
> Worth investigating further...

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