[aerogear-dev] JIRA instances: One for the better (or one to rule them all)

Matthias Wessendorf matzew at apache.org
Thu Mar 1 09:06:24 EST 2018

Hi folks!

shortly after AeroGear.org project was started, and different technologies
and scopes were added, we started to reflect that with multiple different
JIRA instances. For instance besides the canonical AEROGEAR instance we
have a bunch of them for iOS (AGIOS), Android (AGDROID), All things Push
(AGPUSH)* or Cordova (AGCORDOVA), to name only a few.

I am proposing to retire all instances and start using only the AEROGEAR

In Push, we had similar discussion, we had different instances for
simplepush, ups and webpush; For sanity we ended up running all things in
AGPUSH, and using components and better version strings (e.g.
simplepush-1.0.0 or ups-1.2.4). And this works great

So, I think it does make sense to stop hammering new issues into all the
different "technology silos", like AGDROID or AGPUSH. Instead I really
think we should unify one JIRA instance, with proper components and much
better version strings, allowing us to really use one instance for all of

Today, to me, it does look a bit that our multiple instances of JIRA can be
really done w/ one JIRA (and components/versions) instead - we don't really
have much more value w/ all the different instances.

I'd like to retire the new instances, in the near future, moving forward
with just one JIRA instance. At some point - later this year - we could
than try to delete the other redundant JIRA silos.

Before retiring the instances, we will review the existing backlogs and
port over valid tickets. So no *relevant* ticket will be lost, and outdated
tickets kinda gets cleaned up, doing this excercise :-)

Feedback, thoughts, tomatos ?


Matthias Wessendorf

github: https://github.com/matzew
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf
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