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<td class="text-paragraph-pattern-container mobile-resize-text " style="padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; padding: 0 0 10px 0"> <span class="diffcontext">Forum discussion:<br />http://aerogear-dev.1069024.n5.nabble.com/aerogear-dev-AG-Push-Console-review-td8004.html</span> <span class="diffaddedchars" style="background-color:#ddfade;"><br /><br />----<br /><br />* The name of your angularjs module is "newadminApp". I think it should<br />be something like "agconsole".<br /><br />* You're missing feedback for user on many places. If the error says<br />'Something went wrong...', it doesn't say much to a user. Even changing<br />it to denote the current operation would be better, something like<br />'Unable to create new application'. On most of the $resource.* methods<br />you're missing the feedback, too. For most of them the information about<br />success would be annoying, but maybe it could be interesting for user to<br />see errors like 'Unable to get the application list, check your<br />connection to the server...'. When my session to the console timed-out,<br />the operation I was trying to do (renaming of app) didn't do anything,<br />but I had no clue why.<br /><br />* AFAIK it's considered a bad practice to use jQuery inside controllers.<br />You use only two $ functions: $.extend and $.ajax, which can be replaced<br />with angular.extend/angular.copy and the $resource service. If you can't<br />find a way how to do something without jQuery inside controller, maybe<br />creating of custom directive is the right solution, but this doesn't<br />seem to be the case.<br /><br />* It seems that you're using several switch statements just to assign a<br />value based on input. This seems to be a good candidate for using a map.<br /><br />* Notifications - they are inside ng-view pages. It looks fine and works<br />for your current purposes. But if you make some new page in the future,<br />which redirects you (i.e. creating a new entity, after submit, user is<br />redirected to entity list with newly created stuff), you may loose the<br />message. Another disadvantage of this is non-consistent L&F for feedback<br />messages. The advantage is, that you're not covering any content with<br />the message as LO does. <br /><br />* In installation.html I see stuff like <col width="45%">. I think this<br />should be rewritten to use the bootstrap grid layout (classes like<br />col-md-12...).<br /><br />* We use our custom directive lo-autofocus for the 1st input in modals.<br />Right after the modal pops-up, user has the focus on the first input and<br />pressing enter submits the modal.<br /><br />* The last one is not a problem at all, I just don't feel right about<br />it :) You use $window.location.href instead $location.absUrl(). They<br />seem to do the same, but since you don't use any other $window stuff,<br />using $location makes more sense to me.</span>
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