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<td class="text-paragraph-pattern-container mobile-resize-text " style="padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; padding: 0 0 10px 0; padding-top: 10px"> <span class="diffcontext">Thanks for the review [~crobson]. I've attached your corrections as an image (easy to see changes there).<br /><br />!review.png!</span> <span class="diffaddedchars" style="background-color:#ddfade;"><br /><br />----<br /><br />Text based:<br /><br />HOMEPAGE<br />"Aerogear provides a set of flexible and extensible libraries, as well as server side components, to simplify mobile development across platforms and common repetitive infrastructure tasks. " - wow, this is really a mouthful! It would be great to simplify this message a lot. Maybe something like the following:<br />"Aerogear provides flexible, extensible libraries and server side components that will simplify your mobile development and infrastructure setup across platforms."<br /><br />"Hey listen! OAuth2 support on AeroGear " <-- 'Hey listen!' feels almost rude to me. "NEW!" or "Check it out!" feel much friendlier<br /><br />" A unified API lets you send push notifications from theUnified Push Server via Google Cloud Messaging,Apple’s APNs, Amazon's ADM, Microsoft's WNS andMPNS, SimplePush or WebPush to any mobile device. "<br />Another mouthful and feels like too much to read. I wonder if we could say "Send push notifications from the Unified Push Server via 7 messaging protocols to any mobile device" and do a hover on # messaging protocols to show all the things we support?<br /><br /><br />http://staging-aerogearsite.rhcloud.com/push/<br />The AeroGear UnifiedPush Server is server that allows sending native push messages to different mobile operating systems, such as Android, iOS, Windows or Firefox OS/SimplePush.<br /><br />http://staging-aerogearsite.rhcloud.com/security/<br />Mobile security for humans, integrating your mobile application to already existent into existing infrastructure.<br /><br />http://staging-aerogearsite.rhcloud.com/sync/<br />Full real-time data sync where updates are initiated from both the client and server over a bi-directional channel. This feature provides both, a specific server side sync engine, as well as a client side sync engines for Android, iOS and JavaScript. The implementation is based on Google’s Differential Synchonrization by Neil Fraser.<br /><br />http://staging-aerogearsite.rhcloud.com/cordova/<br />AeroGear Cordova makes developing apps with Cordova easier by adding plugins for things that are hard to do right.<br /><br />http://staging-aerogearsite.rhcloud.com/getstarted/guides/<br />Learn how to make Take the first steps in mobile development on each of the supported platforms<br />Take the your knowledge further and learn about advanced concepts supported by client libraries<br />In several Tutorials and guides that will help you can learn all about the UnifiedPush technology<br /><br />http://staging-aerogearsite.rhcloud.com/docs/planning/<br />Listing of the planned features for the AeroGear project.<br /><br />http://staging-aerogearsite.rhcloud.com/community/<br />Get involved,; be part of the Aerogear community. (that would be a semicolon instead of a comma)</span>
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