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<td class="text-paragraph-pattern-container mobile-resize-text " style="padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; padding: 0 0 10px 0"> <span class="diffcontext">Possible architectures: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/16bVwXE2OV0M6RicihAyX97DFDY3ycEVzyRdySXKi7gI/edit<br><br>Before starting the discussion, here is a good summary of what time series data and regular data means:<br><br>|| Time series data || Regular data ||<br>| You normally do inserts | You do inserts, but updates more often |<br>| Getting some stats about what happened in the last N days | Knowledge base|<br><br>ElasticSearch: Supports both.<br>InfluxDB: Time series data only. No update operations<br>PostgreSQL: supports both (no hands-on experiment done by the team)<br>Prometheus: time series data only. Not viable as a storage option anyway.<br><br>Another note is that, the trying to building a knowledge base data using queries is not natural thing to do on a time series database. Aggregations would be super-complex (if even possible) and slow (due to very long time range and too many matching documents).<br><br>Possible architectures we are going to pursue:<br><br>1. As we’re going to store time series and regular data in the same storage, we can use ElasticSearch or PostgreSQL.<br>Grafana is able to talk to both storage options.<br>Very very little business logic in the service component. Acts more like a proxy.<br><br> !Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 12.05.50.png|thumbnail! <br><br>Although using Kibana is perfectly fine, we are going to investigate using Grafana as well.<br>Sub-spikes for these are AEROGEAR-2002 and AEROGEAR-2004<br><br>4. Our service writes time series data to Prometheus and Prometheus writes them to a PostgreSQL.<br>Our service also talks to PostgreSQL directly for adding regular data.<br>PostgreSQL is the only option here as it is the only DB that supports time series data and regular data and Prometheus supports it.<br><br> !Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 12.05.56.png|thumbnail! <br><br>Sub-spikes: AEROGEAR-2003 and AEROGEAR-2005<br><br>We also need to check out the resource consumption of these architectures: AEROGEAR-2006<br><br>Another thing to check is if it makes sense to use fluentd/logstash:</span> <span class="diffremovedchars" style="background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration:line-through;"> <br></span> <span class="diffaddedchars" style="background-color:#ddfade;"> AEROGEAR-2007<br></span> </td>
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