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<td class="text-paragraph-pattern-container mobile-resize-text " style="padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; padding: 0 0 10px 0; padding-top: 10px"> <span class="diffcontext">Hi [~endaphelan],<br><br>Thank you for share. I replied the ML[1] and I hope that it can makes sense for you and it give a chance for you think a little more about it and who knows change your mind :-)<br><br>Note that the CONS are good part a copy and past from the post in a blog[2] and that the book mentioned in this blog and in your email has the goal to explain the Go system and tools and it is comparing the go test system impl X Assertions approach in other languages. *The argumentations added as CONS are NOT ALL truly valid for *testify/assert* which is one the most popular and used pkg in GO which is the testify/assert as you can check here[3].*<br><br></span> <span class="diffaddedchars" style="background-color:#ddfade;">*</span> <span class="diffcontext">See that the biggest part of the OpenSource projects in this stack are using</span> <span class="diffremovedchars" style="background-color:#ffe7e7;text-decoration:line-through;"> *</span> <span class="diffcontext">testify/assert</span> <span class="diffremovedchars" style="background-color:#ffe7e7;text-decoration:line-through;">*</span> <span class="diffcontext"> because of all advantages and incredible gains that it can offer.</span> <span class="diffremovedchars" style="background-color:#ffe7e7;text-decoration:line-through;">*</span> <span class="diffcontext"> For example the OpenShift, Kubernets and indeed the echo framework which was adopted for this project.</span> <span class="diffaddedchars" style="background-color:#ddfade;">*</span> <span class="diffcontext"> Also, IMHO we should follow up the OpenShift project which is one of the best examples for this stack and it is made by us, RedHat.<br> <br>Since you added as CONS that it is unnecessary because it is just another way to do it, then IHMO it is actually an easier, faster and simple way to get the tests done and maintained. Please, think a little over it: If it is not good at all, why OpenShift and Kubernets which are examples/standards for the stack are using it? Why it is the most popular and used GO lib? Why echo is using it and describing in its docs how to do the test with? Is the implementation of the framework adopted by us really not follow up the good practices as these others all big OpenSource projects? <br><br>Following one example of the CONS added that is NOT true for this pkg,<br>bq. Tests stop executing after the first assert fails - masking patterns of failure<br>Following the test made locally in order to show that it is NOT the behaviour faced with this adoption. <br><br>{code:java}<br>camilamacedo@Camilas-MacBook-Pro ~/go/src/github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service (AEROGEAR-8583) $ make test<br>Running tests:<br>GOCACHE=off go test -cover \<br> github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service/pkg/config github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service/pkg/db github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service/pkg/httperrors github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service/pkg/web/apps github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service/pkg/web/router<br>--- FAIL: TestGetEnv_OverrideValues (0.00s)<br> config_test.go:77: <br> Error Trace: config_test.go:77<br> Error: Expected nil, but got: "json"<br> Test: TestGetEnv_OverrideValues<br>FAIL<br>coverage: 100.0% of statements<br>FAIL github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service/pkg/config 0.060s<br>? github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service/pkg/db [no test files]<br>ok github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service/pkg/httperrors 0.035s coverage: 96.3% of statements<br>ok github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service/pkg/web/apps 0.033s coverage: 77.2% of statements<br>? github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service/pkg/web/router [no test files]<br>make: *** [test-unit] Error 1<br>{code}<br><br>HI [~dffrench],<br><br>Regards:<br><br>bq. Just getting to this now. I would agree, unless there is a strong need or justification for introducing testify, we should be heeding the wisdom of developers that have worked on the existing Mobile Services.<br><br>I hope that you can check the email in this thread[1] and see that has many strong justifications for we use testify and checking by comparing the 2 practical examples with your own eyes, mind and heart as [~endaphelan]. :-) <br><br>In this case, I am heading in the wisdom in the devs who wrote OpenShift and Kubernets which has been working with this stack for too long, as echo framework and so many others dev which implemented OpenSource projects in this stack since it is one of the most used and popular lib in GO. Note that that OCP project has an incredible test suite. <br><br>PS.: If I am allowed to finish this task I will not spend more than 2 hours from now since [~endaphelan] made a fantastic work by implementing many tests and this project still too small. <br><br>[1] - https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/aerogear/f6d257f7-3668-48ee-8d8e-0243aac29277%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer<br>[2] - https://blog.alexellis.io/golang-writing-unit-tests/<br>[3] - https://godoc.org/ (atached image)<br><br>c/c [~austincunningham]</span> </td>
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