[Aerogear-users] First time installation on Windows 10

Philipp Koetz, mVISE AG Philipp.Koetz at mvise.de
Fri Jul 15 05:23:42 EDT 2016

Hello Chris,

the jms installation is intended to be for the version 1.2 which isn't the stable build right now, you can skip this if you have a minor version. With the maven install I had also problems, in this case you can download the jar from maven central and place it in the module folder.

Here are the steps we used to install the MySQL Connector:
copy aerogear-unifiedpush-server-1.1.3.final/databases/src/main/resources/modules/com* to wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/
copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.18.jar to wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/com/mysql/jdbc/main/
Von: aerogear-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org [mailto:aerogear-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org] Im Auftrag von chris bristol
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2016 22:13
An: Aerogear-users at lists.jboss.org
Betreff: [Aerogear-users] First time installation on Windows 10

Hi AeroGear user community.

I have just begun the installation process and am having a difficult time of it.  I am hoping there are users that have been down this road who can offer a helpful word or two to get me started sending push notifications to may awesome app.

I have Wildfly installed and working on Windows 10 - I have other projects up and using MySQL successfully.
I have been trying to follow the installation instructions at https://aerogear.org/docs/unifiedpush/ups_userguide/index/
The steps seem to be intended for Unix users.  Some of the files, I cannot find in the bundle, like jms-setup-wildfly.cli

There also seems to be a presumption that installer us is using maven - not necessarily the case.

If you have snippets of your standalone.xml for the database and jms configuration - maybe that would be helpful.

Thanks - I'd really like to get running and using the UI for configuration.


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