[Aerogear-users] Any Aerogear Unified Push Server (UPS) jobs in Greater Atlanta Area?

jeff01 xfdeng at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 6 23:54:53 EST 2018

Sorry if this is kind of off-topic but I think it's important to Aerogaer
users/developers as well.

I am curious so I tried to search Aerogear UPS jobs in various job boards,
there are almost none. Is it because most of companies do not bother to
stand up their own push servers and just use the cloud push solutions? Can
we find any jobs with the skills in this area? I had years' experience in 
Aerogear Unified Push Server (UPS) but it looks like I cannot find a job
that requires this expertise. My search includes all major job boards, as
well as local recruiters in Greater Atlanta area.

Did I miss anything here?

Thank you in advance.

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