[Apiman-dev] Merge Karaf branch to Master

Eric Wittmann eric.wittmann at redhat.com
Tue Mar 1 07:36:53 EST 2016

Hi Charles.  Here are some things we would need before we can merge the 
karaf branch:

1) rebase the karaf branch to master
2) squash the commits to a single commit
3) thorough code review
4) testing

#1 - I think this is pretty straightforward.

#2 - Normally I wouldn't mind a small number of commits for a 
contribution like the karaf support, but you've got 221 commits in the 
karaf branch, representing 117 files changed or added.  That's a very 
large impact on the project's commit history and will make future diffs 
more difficult than is warranted.  So that's the reason to squash the 
commits down to one (or at most a handful).

#3 - I'll need to run through the code with the rest of the apiman dev 
team so we're all familiar with the changes.  We need some extra 
eyeballs on the code to make sure we don't (for example) duplicate a lot 
of functionality.

#4 - Obviously we'll need to do some testing to make sure everything is 
working as expected.

Unfortunately we've got a bunch of high priority tasks at the moment, so 
it may be a little while before we can get to #3 and #4.  I'm happy to 
accomplish #1 and #2 at some point in the future, although if you'd like 
to give it a try that would be fine too.


On 3/1/2016 4:13 AM, Charles Moulliard wrote:
> Hi,
> Can we consider to merge Karaf branch with Master - trunk ? What are the
> steps that we have to take care in order to prepare the merge ?
> Regards,
> Charles
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