[Apiman-user] Help with ApiMan oAuth2 plugin tutorial

Rafael Soares rafaelcba at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 17:42:08 EDT 2015

Hello all!

I'm trying to follow the tutorial for the oAuth2 plugin [1] but I had some
The authentication policy worked fine! After adding the second policy
(Authorization) I get the following response error

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 238
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 21:12:31 GMT
Server: WildFly/8
X-Policy-Failure-Code: 10010
X-Policy-Failure-Message: No roles have been extracted during
authentication.  Make sure the authorization policy comes *after* a
compatible authentication policy in your configuration.
X-Policy-Failure-Type: Other
X-Powered-By: Undertow/1

    "failureCode": 10010,
    "headers": {},
    "message": *"No roles have been extracted during authentication.  Make
sure the authorization policy comes *after* a compatible authentication
policy in your configuration.*",
    "responseCode": 0,
    "type": "Other"

but my JWT access_token appears to be right. I mean, I can see the roles in
it. See my access_toke decoded:

  "preferred_username": "rincewind",

  "name": "",

  "resource_access": {

    "account": {

      "roles": [





  "*realm_access": {

*    "roles": [

*      "echomeister"*
*    ]

*  }*,

  "allowed-origins": [],

  "client_session": "b25536e6-4331-46fd-afe1-b0adf766b533",

  "session_state": "213e75e1-bf8b-4f0c-808e-683fb3a4c1de",

  "jti": "43c59d9a-b659-4708-a1da-968ea23004d7",

  "exp": 1440536956,

  "nbf": 0,

  "iat": 1440536656,

  "iss": "",

  "aud": "apiman",

  "sub": "de4af322-85b2-4dbe-8d53-6a2ee29e4080",

  "azp": "apiman"

As you can see the "*echomeister*" realm_role is there...

What this response message means?

Rafael Torres Coelho Soares
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