[Apiman-user] apiman Production Deployment

Ashish Patel Ashish.Patel at futureretail.in
Wed Jun 8 06:33:01 EDT 2016


I was referring production guide (http://www.apiman.io/latest/production-guide.html) for apiman production deployment @ our organisation.

have few queries, appreciate if someone can help.

1. We want to have single API Manager for our consumers in "on-premise" and "cloud" (AWS/Azure..etc). So, can we deploy couple of instance of " Apiman Gateway" in on-premise and couple of on cloud ? If yes, what would be possible deployment architecture ? (best place to put RDBMS on-prem/cloud, best place to put keyclock server/ ES server..etc ?)

2. production guide having wildfly version, however we would prefer tomcat / vert.x, any specific guide changes for tomcat / vert.x ?

3. Can we have companies using apiman on production ? any benchmarking stats and case study material ?

Thanks & Regards,

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