[bv-dev] [BVAL-251] Improve Bean Validation support for modularized environments

Kevin Pollet pollet.kevin at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 10:50:00 EDT 2011


On 28 October 2011 09:03, Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel at hibernate.org> wrote:

> So all JARs must be OSGi-ified before they can be used? Is there any way to
> keep this information outside?

Right, all JARS must be OSGi-ified before they can be deployed in an OSGi
container. By the way, it's also possible to embed jars in a bundle, but
that's not in the OSGi spirit. AFAIK, there is no way to put these
information outside the jar (JBoss Modules is less intrusive here).

Do you know of any other JSR published JAR that also expose its OSGi
> headers?

JAX-RS (JSR-311) expose the OSGi headers in its

> I'm asking because declaring dependencies means that all dependent JSRs
> (and the JDK) will need to be OSGi-ified as well. I'd rather see that
> coordinated by the Java EE expert group. There is also the problem of
> supporting them forever(tm).

No need to OSGi-ified the JDK, by default it's part of every Bundle
Currently, for BV there is no dependencies, so all packages just need to be
exported (like JAX-RS). I agree that if a dependency, non OSGi-ified, is
added to BV the interest is limited. I see two cases:

* the dependency can be OSGi-ified by the user -> OK
* the dependency cannot be OSGi-ified -> BV cannot be deployed as a bundle
(but can be embedded in the user bundle)


 On 27 oct. 2011, at 22:52, Kevin Pollet wrote:
>  Hi experts,
> IMHO, making Bean Validation ready for the modular world is a great thing!
> A first step might be to provide the module meta-datas (OSGi headers,
> …). For OSGi, those meta-datas can be added to the jar Manifest within the
> maven build with the maven-bundle-plugin<http://felix.apache.org/site/apache-felix-maven-bundle-plugin-bnd.html>.
> The advantage is that the api can be deployed in an OSGi container out of
> the box. For JBoss Modules the descriptor reside alongside its content but
> we can provide it.
> --Kevin
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