[bv-dev] Bean Validation and JavaFX

Rafael A P Nascimento rfx.go.on at gmail.com
Fri Nov 17 08:05:49 EST 2017

Hi all!
How do I integrate Bean Validation with JavaFX?

I would like to make a *bidirectional bind* between the entity field and
the javaFx controllers. In this scenario how could I validate fields using
Bean Validation?

public class Category{
    @NotNull(message = "Name can't be null)
    @Size(max = 255, min=3, message = "Size name must be between 255 and 3")
    private StringProperty name = new SimpleStringProperty();
    //... getters & setters

//some fx Controller...
public class CategoryController{
    private TextField textFiledCategoryName;
    private Category category;

    public   void initialize() {
       category = new Category();


//other code...

*Rafael A P Nascimento *

*finalexception.blogspot.com <http://finalexception.blogspot.com.br>*
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