<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:Helvetica Neue-Light, Helvetica Neue Light, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, Sans-Serif;font-size:8pt">Hi folks!<br><br>There are 3 kind of Alternatives<br><br>1.) @Alternative classes activated via beans.xml<br>2.) @Alternative stereotypes activated via beans.xml<br>3.) @Alternative classes automatically activated by having a @Priority annotation as well<br><br><br>Question A.):<br>There is nothing in the spec regarrding @Alternative Stereotypes with @Priority atm. So I assume @Priority on a @Stereotype annotation does exactly nothing, right?<br><br><br>Queation B.):<br>What if a class has a@Priority annotation and an @Alternative Stereotype? Should those automatically get picked up as Alternative as well?<br><br><br>Quesion C.):<br>What does AfterTypeDisovery#getAlternatives() really return?<br>Only the Alternative Classes added via beans.xml or with @Priority? Or
all Classes, means also the ones which have an @Alternative @Stereotype?<br>The later would make more sense to me imo. But is it meant that way? How does Weld behave?<br><br><br>LieGrue,<br>strub<br></div></body></html>