[dna-dev] What michael is up to lately

Michael Neale michael.neale at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 22:46:01 EDT 2008

2 things:

* drools-repository (which is just back end code, only depends on
jackrabbit, not web component) to be extracted, and "genericised" -
this could serve as a very useful test bed for the DNA repository back
end, at the very least, as it excercises all the features that we will
use in the SOA repository - that are needed by JCR (ergo, DNA

* Whilst hopefully DNA repository can give us SCM sync ability
(ClearCase, SVN, CVS etc etc) - we are building a component to allow
IDEs, Command line etc to add/list/remove/update content from SOA
repository (like a Very Simple Version System) - so we can edit/SCM
file artifacts in the IDE (eg rules, interface contracts) yet have
them available on the web and managed in the SOA repository (keep devs
and managers happy).


Michael D Neale
home: www.michaelneale.net
blog: michaelneale.blogspot.com

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