[dna-dev] Adding umlgraph to our javadoc

Stefano Maestri stefano.maestri at javalinux.it
Thu Jun 26 05:36:24 EDT 2008

I tried to add UmlGraph generated images to dna project javadocs.
The result is nice: http://www.javalinuxlabs.org/apidocs/index.html
I attached here the only modification needed to pom.xml to get this result.
UmlGraph can also model composition relation with custom javadocs tags, 
but, IMHO the totally automatic results is fine and easy for all.
Also public method can be added to the model, but I think it's better to 
have easy to read structural model and leave to javadoc deeper 
descriptions of class components and methods.

The only problem with UmlGraph is that it depends on GraphViz, and this 
dependencies can't be administered by maven, since graphvz isn't a java 
package. UmlGraph just expect GraphViz instaed on building host and 
fails if it isn't. I didn't find any elegant and brief way to solve the 
problem: any suggestion?

BTW have Hudson's host GraphViz installed? Is this strong unmanaged 
dependency acceptable for javadoc target?

IMHO enriched javadocs is nice and could help a lot community to 
understand our sw architecture/class hierarchy. At least they helped me :)

best regards
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