[dna-dev] Adding umlgraph to our javadoc

Randall Hauch rhauch at redhat.com
Fri Jun 27 10:30:38 EDT 2008

I still vote that we add it to the POM.  I'm sure it will improve over  
time, but the fact that it works gracefully without GraphVis installed  
is a huge plus in my mind.

On Jun 27, 2008, at 8:58 AM, John P. A. Verhaeg wrote:

> I love the package dependency graph shown in the overview, but I'd  
> have to say the issue with apiviz not showing uses of classes is  
> important.  I haven't looked at all the classes, but it looks like  
> apiviz does nothing more than provide a view of generalizations and  
> interface utilization, which is already apparent through the normal  
> JavaDoc information.  The class usage shown by umlGraph actually  
> helps to understand how a class works.
> Stefano Maestri wrote:
>> It doesn't include just the "use" relationship.
>> Anyway to give better feedback Mr. Lee I'll put apviz in some of my  
>> daytime job projects where my team is using umgraph since early  
>> this year and I'll write my feedback directly to Trustin, keeping  
>> you post.
>> I'll look forward for others opinion before commit my modified  
>> pom.xml  for dna.
>> Randall Hauch wrote on 27/06/08 01:54:
>>> Trustin is looking for feedback, so can you be more specific  
>>> regarding the con?  It doesn't generate any diagram automatically,  
>>> or it doesn't include the "use" relationship automatically?
>>> Otherwise, I'm fine with including it.  Does anyone else (besides  
>>> Stefano or me) have an opinion?
>>> On Jun 26, 2008, at 4:47 PM, Stefano Maestri wrote:
>>>> Oki, I played a little with it. I like it very much, for its  
>>>> ability to switch back silently to standard doclet with graphviz  
>>>> isn't found on building host. And I like generated graph too (in  
>>>> particular the gray notation for class/interface out of current  
>>>> package).
>>>> The only cons is apiviz doesn't generate automatically, but only  
>>>> with an added tags, the "use" relation, umlGraph did it  
>>>> automatically as default and it help in some situation.
>>>> Anyway, I'm fine to use it, and I'm ready to commit modified  
>>>> pom.xml if the team agree.
>>>> I uploaded on my site apiviz results to be compared to umlgraph  
>>>> ones (both availabel online for your evaluation):
>>>> http://www.javalinuxlabs.org/umlGraph/apidocs/index.html
>>>> http://www.javalinuxlabs.org/apiviz/apidocs/index.html
>>>> BR
>>>> S.
>>>> Randall Hauch wrote on 26/06/08 16:18:
>>>>> This is a new rewrite of the UmlGraph library, created by  
>>>>> Trustin Lee: http://code.google.com/p/apiviz/.  Stefano, would  
>>>>> you mind taking a look and reporting back how this compares with  
>>>>> UmlGraph?  I suspect it will be added to the JBoss Maven  
>>>>> repository relatively soon, so the repository fragment in the  
>>>>> POM sample would not be required.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Randall
>>>>> On Jun 26, 2008, at 4:36 AM, Stefano Maestri wrote:
>>>>>> I tried to add UmlGraph generated images to dna project javadocs.
>>>>>> The result is nice: http://www.javalinuxlabs.org/apidocs/index.html
>>>>>> I attached here the only modification needed to pom.xml to get  
>>>>>> this result.
>>>>>> UmlGraph can also model composition relation with custom  
>>>>>> javadocs tags, but, IMHO the totally automatic results is fine  
>>>>>> and easy for all.
>>>>>> Also public method can be added to the model, but I think it's  
>>>>>> better to have easy to read structural model and leave to  
>>>>>> javadoc deeper descriptions of class components and methods.
>>>>>> The only problem with UmlGraph is that it depends on GraphViz,  
>>>>>> and this dependencies can't be administered by maven, since  
>>>>>> graphvz isn't a java package. UmlGraph just expect GraphViz  
>>>>>> instaed on building host and fails if it isn't. I didn't find  
>>>>>> any elegant and brief way to solve the problem: any suggestion?
>>>>>> BTW have Hudson's host GraphViz installed? Is this strong  
>>>>>> unmanaged dependency acceptable for javadoc target?
>>>>>> IMHO enriched javadocs is nice and could help a lot community  
>>>>>> to understand our sw architecture/class hierarchy. At least  
>>>>>> they helped me :)
>>>>>> best regards
>>>>>> S.
>>>>>> Index: pom.xml
>>>>>> = 
>>>>>> = 
>>>>>> =================================================================
>>>>>> --- pom.xml    (revision 306)
>>>>>> +++ pom.xml    (working copy)
>>>>>> @@ -182,6 +182,20 @@
>>>>>>                   <version>2.2</version>
>>>>>>                   <configuration>
>>>>>>                       <aggregate>true</aggregate>
>>>>>> +                       +                     
>>>>>> <doclet>gr.spinellis.umlgraph.doclet.UmlGraphDoc</doclet>
>>>>>> +                    <docletArtifact>
>>>>>> +                        <groupId>gr.spinellis</groupId>
>>>>>> +                        <artifactId>UmlGraph</artifactId>
>>>>>> +                        <version>4.6</version>
>>>>>> +                    </docletArtifact>
>>>>>> +                    <additionalparam>
>>>>>> +                        -inferrel -inferdep -quiet -hide  
>>>>>> java.* -collpackages java.util.* -qualify
>>>>>> +                        -postfixpackage -nodefontsize 9
>>>>>> +                        -nodefontpackagesize 7
>>>>>> +                    </additionalparam>
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +                                           </configuration>
>>>>>>               </plugin>
>>>>>>           </plugins>
>>>>>> @@ -425,6 +439,12 @@
>>>>>>               <version></version>
>>>>>>               <scope>test</scope>
>>>>>>           </dependency>
>>>>>> +            <dependency>
>>>>>> +  <groupId>gr.spinellis</groupId>
>>>>>> +  <artifactId>UmlGraph</artifactId>
>>>>>> +  <version>4.8</version>
>>>>>> +</dependency>
>>>>>> +                   </dependencies>
>>>>>>   </dependencyManagement>
>>>>>>   <reporting>
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