[dna-dev] Re: unwanted difference in .classpath and eclipse reletad files

Randall Hauch rhauch at redhat.com
Tue May 20 10:21:41 EDT 2008

As mentioned earlier, I'm using an earlier version of the m2 Eclipse  
plugin (which I can't seem to update, so I'll probably have to  
uninstall and reinstall), and that version just doesn't have the  
options that you show.  Regardless, we'll need to figure out the right  
way to do this and document it on the wiki.

On May 18, 2008, at 4:20 AM, Stefano Maestri wrote:

> Hi Randall,
> I investigated a bit more about the unwanted difference I get in my  
> last patches.
> As we suspect they don't depend on Maven version, neither Eclipse m2  
> plugin version. The problem is on configuration of the plugin, or  
> better two settings during importing maven project in eclipse. I  
> attached a pdf with the screenshot of importing modal panel, boxing  
> the 2 settings that drive to the problem. The settings captured in  
> this screenshot are the right ones, that isn't defaults (at least on  
> my environment).
> Maybe it would be useful to include this advice in a contributor's  
> readme on svn, eventually with some other suggestions or policies  
> for the project. Isn't it?
> -- 
> bye Stefano
> www.javalinux.it     www.wibo.it
> <Screenshot-mavenImport.pdf>

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