[dna-dev] Code freeze for 0.2

Randall Hauch rhauch at redhat.com
Tue Sep 16 11:24:04 EDT 2008

We're getting really close to freezing the code for our 0.2 release.   
Things are looking very good!  JIRA shows only a few outstanding - all  
are assigned to me and (except for one having to do with JDK 1.6 on OS  
X) have to do with the Getting Started doc, Reference Guide doc, and  
examples.  And I don't believe anyone is currently working on anything  
for the 0.2 release.  In short, we're almost ready.

So, let's consider SVN frozen except for these issues.  If you do have  
something you want to get in the release or if you discover anything  
new, please email this list (and log a JIRA issue if it's a bug or  
problem).  Otherwise, I will let everyone know when it's okay to start  
committing to SVN again (probably after the release is announced).

More to come in the next day or so.  Thanks again for everyone's hard  

Best regards,

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