[dna-dev] Re: @author tags in our codebase

John Verhaeg jverhaeg at redhat.com
Thu Jan 15 12:29:27 EST 2009

I'm not completely sold on this, but I don't really have much of an argument against it either, beyond worrying that potential contributors might not feel they're getting "enough" attribution without the direct tie-in between the source and their names. Not sure if I understand Sergey's comments about accepting contributor efforts - how does this preclude those efforts? Other than that, I'd give a +1. 

John Verhaeg 
Red Hat, Inc. 
(314) 336-2950 

----- "Sergey Litsenko" <litsenko_sergey at yahoo.com> wrote: 
| -1 
| It is optional - would be better to allow keeping authors tags while automating process of getting full list. 
| On one hand, I'm not sold on the idea that if the author tag will be removed it might help to brought more commiters. If I see some issue in the source code and I know how to fix it - I'll provide a patch/fix whetever I'm in the "magic list" or not. 
| The only question that might be asked: are OSS team members interested in accepting such contributor's efforts or not? 
| It's about mentality and maturity of committers as well as part of OSS project's culture established by team members - e.g. responding to user questions, issues, etc - in e-mails, users forums, etc and welcoming user's opinions on how things should work (functional requirements). Also you can use something like following: "@author DNA Expert Group" for classes/packages designed / developed by group of authors. 
| Generally, I believe that everything that is part of Java Language specification (e.g.) and/or part of general practices is valid and justified to be part of any source code. 
| On the other hand, since it's possible to automate process of getting list of autors from both - SCM repository and source code/POM - maintenance would not be that hard , and IMO efforts should go that way rather than removing tags. I bet that I can find some maven plugin or develop my own to automate that process. For example, http://www.statsvn.org and http://stat-scm.sourceforge.net are good starting points. 
| I will vote "+2" on the ability to automate process of getting full list of contributors (maven report plugin) and makit it part of distribution and Maven project site . 
| Sergiy 
From: "dna-dev-request at lists.jboss.org" <dna-dev-request at lists.jboss.org> 
| To: dna-dev at lists.jboss.org 
| Sent: Wednesday, 14 January, 2009 6:43:27 PM 
| Subject: dna-dev Digest, Vol 10, Issue 5 
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| Today's Topics: 
| 1. Re: @author tags in our codebase (Randall Hauch) 
| 2. Re: @author tags in our codebase (Vatsal) 
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
| Message: 1 
| Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 16:03:23 -0600 
| From: Randall Hauch < rhauch at redhat.com > 
| Subject: Re: [dna-dev] @author tags in our codebase 
| To: JBoss DNA < dna-dev at lists.jboss.org > 
| Message-ID: < 160467FE-4D64-4943-BBAC-3D9535FD670C at redhat.com > 
| Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 
| We never really came to a consensus on this question, and I'd like to 
| try to do that. To be clear, here is the proposal: 
| 1) Remove the @author lines from the code, and instead rely upon SVN 
| as the official master record of individual contributions 
| 2) Change the Eclipse preference files to remove the @author lines 
| from the code templates 
| 3) Add a AUTHORS file to the distribution(s); this file will contain 
| the names and email addresses for all contributors, and can even allow 
| a contributor to describe their contribution if they so desire. 
| 4) Change the headers to remove the "@author" wording and to replace 
| it with "See the AUTHORS file in the 
| distribution for a full listing of individual contributors." 
| 5) Change the POM files to include the AUTHORS file in each 
| distribution. 
| The AUTHORS file would look like this: 
| Randall Hauch ( rhauch at redhat.com ) 
| John Verhaeg ( jverhaeg at redhat.com ) 
| Dan Florian ( dflorian at redhat.com ) 
| Stefano Maestri ( stefano.maestri at javalinux.it ) 
| Serge Pagop ( Serge.Pagop at innoq.com ) 
| Michael Trezzi ( michael at mathwizard.org ) 
| Alexandre Porcelli ( porcelli at devexp.com.br ) 
| Sergiy Litsenko ( litsenko_sergey at yahoo.com ) 
| Note that unlike the @author tags, this file will list all 
| contributors, and the names of new contributors will be appended to 
| the list by the project lead. (No names will be removed from this 
| file.) 
| I would prefer to hear from every contributor, so please respond with 
| +1 if you agree with this proposal, 0 if you don't care, or -1 if you 
| want to keep the @author tags. If you vehemently want to keep the 
| @author tags and names in the source file, please say so. 
| Best regards, 
| Randall 
| On Nov 18, 2008, at 3:33 PM, Randall Hauch wrote: 
| > 
| > On Nov 18, 2008, at 2:52 PM, Stefano Maestri wrote: 
| > 
| >> 
| >> Randall Hauch wrote on 17/11/08 22:17: 
| >>> I've recently read a suggestions for open source communities that 
| >>> the 
| >>> author names are removed from the content. In the case of DNA's 
| >>> codebase, that would mean removing the @author tags. 
| >> May I ask where? 
| > 
| > I knew someone was going to ask. :-) I had to go back and look, but 
| > here are a few: 
| > http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4216011961522818645&ei=8o0YSbiFOY6qrgLC2PnLDQ&q=poisonous+people 
| > http://docs.ofbiz.org/display/OFBADMIN/Coding+Conventions 
| > http://subversion.tigris.org/hacking.html#other-conventions 
| > http://blogs.sun.com/ahe/entry/author_tags 
| > 
| >> 
| >>> 
| >>> tags: 
| >>> 
| >>> 1. When there are no @author tags, then there is a far smaller 
| >>> notion of ownership by the author(s). On one side of this, the 
| >>> author(s) may not appreciate changes to "their" code, and on the 
| >>> other side, non-authors may feel intimidated about working on 
| >>> code for which they are not an author. IMO, we want to 
| >>> _discourage_ ownership and _encourage_ everyone to work in any 
| >>> area of the code they want. 
| >>> 
| >> +1...but is really @author tag intimating someone, or giving 
| >> ownership 
| >> to some other? Quiet frankly not for me. 
| > 
| > I hope it doesn't discourage people from contributing and diving in 
| > wherever they want. BTW, it's quite possible that no matter what 
| > our policy, some people may not like it. For example, if we were to 
| > adopt a policy of NOT including @author tags, some people may refuse 
| > to join the community because they see the @author tag as proof they 
| > worked on it. It takes all kinds of people. :-) 
| > 
| >> 
| >> Anyway I agree on the _discurage_ownership and _encourage_everyone to 
| >> work in any area, so if it can help, remove @author tag. 
| >> 
| >>> 1. @author tags can be inaccurate. SVN has the true history of who 
| >>> contributed exactly what code. 
| >>> 
| >> +1 
| > 
| > IMO, this is perhaps the biggest justifiable reason. Its rubbish if 
| > its not up-to-date, so it seems far better to not have @author tags. 
| > 
| >> 
| >>> 
| >>> The only benefit I can think of is that the @author tag does help to 
| >>> give some notion of who is the "expert" of the class, in case they 
| >>> need to be consulted. However, I don't believe this is really 
| >>> much of 
| >>> a reason, since it's far better to consult the SVN history and see 
| >>> who 
| >>> actually modified the different parts of the code. In fact, the 
| >>> annotated views in Fisheye even show on many of the lines the name 
| >>> of 
| >>> the last person to change it. For example, 
| >>> see http://fisheye.jboss.org/browse/DNA/trunk/dna-common/src/main/java/org/jboss/dna/common/i18n/I18n.java?r=120 
| >>> 
| >> abosolutely better to use fisheye...if fine people of JBoss.org would 
| >> also mind to upgrade it to a more recent version it would be even 
| >> better. Also Jira integration may help a lot. 
| >> 
| >> I would just add that if we decide to remove the tag we have to 
| >> change 
| >> also the license information at the beginnig of any file which say: 
| >> /* 2 
| >> < http://fisheye.jboss.org/browse/DNA/trunk/dna-graph/src/main/java/org/jboss/dna/graph/GraphI18n.java?r=598#l2 
| >> > 
| >> * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. 3 
| >> < http://fisheye.jboss.org/browse/DNA/trunk/dna-graph/src/main/java/org/jboss/dna/graph/GraphI18n.java?r=598#l3 
| >> > 
| >> * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual 
| >> contributors 4 
| >> < http://fisheye.jboss.org/browse/DNA/trunk/dna-graph/src/main/java/org/jboss/dna/graph/GraphI18n.java?r=598#l4 
| >> > 
| >> * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in 
| >> the 5 
| >> < http://fisheye.jboss.org/browse/DNA/trunk/dna-graph/src/main/java/org/jboss/dna/graph/GraphI18n.java?r=598#l5 
| >> > 
| >> * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. 
| >> 
| > 
| > Yes, we'd have to update the headers. 
| > 
| > Best regards, 
| > 
| > Randall 
| > 
| -------------- next part -------------- 
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| ------------------------------ 
| Message: 2 
| Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 13:13:23 +0530 
| From: Vatsal < vatsal.avasthi at gmail.com > 
| Subject: Re: [dna-dev] @author tags in our codebase 
| To: dna-dev at lists.jboss.org 
| Message-ID: 
| < c82836c60901132343w54b690a9ha9c183e5ee61d019 at mail.gmail.com > 
| Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" 
| Sometimes it is fun to see your name in author tag of a project at a later 
| date when the project has matured but my vote would be for Randall's 
| suggestions due to practical & maintenance reasons discussed earlier, so a 
| +1 from me for this proposal(though I am not a contributor yet :) )... 
| - Vatsal 
| On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 3:33 AM, Randall Hauch < rhauch at redhat.com > wrote: 
| > We never really came to a consensus on this question, and I'd like to try 
| > to do that. To be clear, here is the proposal: 
| > 
| > 1) Remove the @author lines from the code, and instead rely upon SVN as the 
| > official master record of individual contributions 
| > 2) Change the Eclipse preference files to remove the @author lines from the 
| > code templates 
| > 3) Add a AUTHORS file to the distribution(s); this file will contain the 
| > names and email addresses for all contributors, and can even allow a 
| > contributor to describe their contribution if they so desire. 
| > 4) Change the headers to remove the "@author" wording and to replace it 
| > with "See the AUTHORS file in the 
| > distribution for a full listing of individual contributors." 
| > 5) Change the POM files to include the AUTHORS file in each distribution. 
| > 
| > The AUTHORS file would look like this: 
| > 
| > Randall Hauch ( rhauch at redhat.com ) 
| > 
| > John Verhaeg ( jverhaeg at redhat.com ) 
| > Dan Florian ( dflorian at redhat.com ) 
| > Stefano Maestri ( stefano.maestri at javalinux.it ) 
| > Serge Pagop ( Serge.Pagop at innoq.com ) 
| > Michael Trezzi ( michael at mathwizard.org ) 
| > Alexandre Porcelli ( porcelli at devexp.com.br ) 
| > Sergiy Litsenko ( litsenko_sergey at yahoo.com ) 
| > 
| > 
| > Note that unlike the @author tags, this file will list all contributors, 
| > and the names of new contributors will be appended to the list by the 
| > project lead. (No names will be removed from this file.) 
| > 
| > I would prefer to hear from every contributor, so please respond with +1 if 
| > you agree with this proposal, 0 if you don't care, or -1 if you want to keep 
| > the @author tags. If you vehemently want to keep the @author tags and names 
| > in the source file, please say so. 
| > 
| > Best regards, 
| > 
| > Randall 
| > 
| > On Nov 18, 2008, at 3:33 PM, Randall Hauch wrote: 
| > 
| > 
| > On Nov 18, 2008, at 2:52 PM, Stefano Maestri wrote: 
| > 
| > 
| > Randall Hauch wrote on 17/11/08 22:17: 
| > 
| > I've recently read a suggestions for open source communities that the 
| > 
| > author names are removed from the content. In the case of DNA's 
| > 
| > codebase, that would mean removing the @author tags. 
| > 
| > May I ask where? 
| > 
| > 
| > I knew someone was going to ask. :-) I had to go back and look, but here 
| > are a few: 
| > 
| > http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4216011961522818645&ei=8o0YSbiFOY6qrgLC2PnLDQ&q=poisonous+people 
| > http://docs.ofbiz.org/display/OFBADMIN/Coding+Conventions 
| > http://subversion.tigris.org/hacking.html#other-conventions 
| > http://blogs.sun.com/ahe/entry/author_tags 
| > 
| > 
| > 
| > tags: 
| > 
| > 
| > 1. When there are no @author tags, then there is a far smaller 
| > 
| > notion of ownership by the author(s). On one side of this, the 
| > 
| > author(s) may not appreciate changes to "their" code, and on the 
| > 
| > other side, non-authors may feel intimidated about working on 
| > 
| > code for which they are not an author. IMO, we want to 
| > 
| > _discourage_ ownership and _encourage_ everyone to work in any 
| > 
| > area of the code they want. 
| > 
| > 
| > +1...but is really @author tag intimating someone, or giving ownership 
| > 
| > to some other? Quiet frankly not for me. 
| > 
| > 
| > I hope it doesn't discourage people from contributing and diving in 
| > wherever they want. BTW, it's quite possible that no matter what our 
| > policy, some people may not like it. For example, if we were to adopt a 
| > policy of NOT including @author tags, some people may refuse to join the 
| > community because they see the @author tag as proof they worked on it. It 
| > takes all kinds of people. :-) 
| > 
| > 
| > Anyway I agree on the _discurage_ownership and _encourage_everyone to 
| > 
| > work in any area, so if it can help, remove @author tag. 
| > 
| > 
| > 1. @author tags can be inaccurate. SVN has the true history of who 
| > 
| > contributed exactly what code. 
| > 
| > 
| > +1 
| > 
| > 
| > IMO, this is perhaps the biggest justifiable reason. Its rubbish if its 
| > not up-to-date, so it seems far better to not have @author tags. 
| > 
| > 
| > 
| > The only benefit I can think of is that the @author tag does help to 
| > 
| > give some notion of who is the "expert" of the class, in case they 
| > 
| > need to be consulted. However, I don't believe this is really much of 
| > 
| > a reason, since it's far better to consult the SVN history and see who 
| > 
| > actually modified the different parts of the code. In fact, the 
| > 
| > annotated views in Fisheye even show on many of the lines the name of 
| > 
| > the last person to change it. For example, 
| > 
| > see 
| > http://fisheye.jboss.org/browse/DNA/trunk/dna-common/src/main/java/org/jboss/dna/common/i18n/I18n.java?r=120 
| > 
| > 
| > abosolutely better to use fisheye...if fine people of JBoss.org would 
| > 
| > also mind to upgrade it to a more recent version it would be even 
| > 
| > better. Also Jira integration may help a lot. 
| > 
| > 
| > I would just add that if we decide to remove the tag we have to change 
| > 
| > also the license information at the beginnig of any file which say: 
| > 
| > /* 2 
| > 
| > < 
| > http://fisheye.jboss.org/browse/DNA/trunk/dna-graph/src/main/java/org/jboss/dna/graph/GraphI18n.java?r=598#l2 
| > > 
| > 
| > * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. 3 
| > 
| > < 
| > http://fisheye.jboss.org/browse/DNA/trunk/dna-graph/src/main/java/org/jboss/dna/graph/GraphI18n.java?r=598#l3 
| > > 
| > 
| > * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors 4 
| > 
| > < 
| > http://fisheye.jboss.org/browse/DNA/trunk/dna-graph/src/main/java/org/jboss/dna/graph/GraphI18n.java?r=598#l4 
| > > 
| > 
| > * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the 5 
| > 
| > < 
| > http://fisheye.jboss.org/browse/DNA/trunk/dna-graph/src/main/java/org/jboss/dna/graph/GraphI18n.java?r=598#l5 
| > > 
| > 
| > * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. 
| > 
| > 
| > 
| > Yes, we'd have to update the headers. 
| > 
| > Best regards, 
| > 
| > Randall 
| > 
| > 
| > 
| > _______________________________________________ 
| > dna-dev mailing list 
| > dna-dev at lists.jboss.org 
| > https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/dna-dev 
| > 
| > 
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