[dna-dev] Recent changes and Maven hell

Randall Hauch rhauch at redhat.com
Tue Nov 24 12:00:45 EST 2009

You may have noticed the many build failures yesterday. It looks like I was able to fine-tune several of our dependencies (particular by upgrading RESTEasy) and then work with the QA team to clear out problem areas of the build machine's ~/.m2/repository.  Hopefully things should be transparent to everyone, but there may be some cases where you run into trouble.

A number of artifacts in the JBoss Maven repository have been marked as "relocated" (see http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-relocation.html).  Now, if you have been building recently, there's a good chance that your local ~/.m2/repository has cached the artifacts (from various repositories) a while back.  The good news is that you probably wont' see any issues.  The bad news is that you might be building with artifacts that the official builds no longer use, meaning you might see different behavior than the Hudson builds.  The "correct" thing would be to move (or rename) your ~/.m2/repository and rebuild everything.  Unfortunately, you'll probably then run into the next problem.

When you do start with a clean local Maven repository, you'll get a couple of artifacts that are now relocated.  Maven 2.0.9 works fine, but the M2Eclipse plugin that I was using (200905xxxx) didn't like those relocations (https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/MNGECLIPSE-1497) and I had to upgrade to the latest stable development release of M2Eclipse (at http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/update-dev/).  So far so good, but it took me a while to figure out.

In short, you may run into some Maven problems, but it should be possible to solve them.

Holler if you run into any problems.

Best regards,


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