[dna-dev] JBoss DNA 0.7 is released

Randall Hauch rhauch at redhat.com
Mon Jan 11 22:31:44 EST 2010

I'm pleased to announce that JBoss DNA 0.7 is now available. This has been a long release cycle, but so many of you stepped up and made fantastic contributions. We literally could not have done this without such a talented and hard-working community. You guys rock!

Here's the announcement:  http://jbossdna.blogspot.com/2010/01/announcing-jboss-dna-07.html

The list of features added to this release is impressive:
passing 97% of the JCR TCK
query/search with support for XPath, JCR-SQL2 (plus many useful extensions), and full-text search languages
a new JDBC metadata connector that allows accessing JDBC metadata via JCR
an improved federation connector
an improved JPA connector
an improved file system connector that supports read/write
an improved SVN connector that now support read/write
a new DDL sequencer for standard DDL or Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Derby dialects (and more to come)
a new Java class file sequencer (that can be coupled with our sequencers for Java source and ZIP files to sequence JAR, WAR, EAR and RAR files)
a new text file sequencer for extracting data from delimited or fixed-width text files
ability to run the database tests against multiple databases

And now that 0.7 is out the door, we've begun the work to rebrand as ModeShape.  We plan to quickly release a rebranded version of 0.7 as ModeShape 1.0.0.Beta1 within a week (and make lots of noise), followed a few weeks later with a 1.0.0.GA that passes 100% of the TCK (with even more noise).  So stay tuned for lots of news!

Best regards,


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