[dna-dev] Please use the ModeShape JIRA for issue tracking

Randall Hauch rhauch at redhat.com
Fri Jan 15 00:25:30 EST 2010

The old DNA JIRA has been decommissioned. 

All issues have been moved into the ModeShape JIRA, so please start using the ModeShape JIRA for all issue management.  The JIRA key for the new ModeShape JIRA is "MODE" (e.g., "MODE-1", "MODE-2", etc.).  

For the most part, the migration of the DNA JIRA issues went very well. It was time consuming (the bulk move loses data, so I moved them individually), and unfortunately the MODE issue numbers don't correlate very well with the old DNA issue numbers (long story, actually).  After DNA-500 or so, they correlate pretty well, but not well enough to rely upon.

The nice part about this is that we have all our issues in one basket, so to speak.  The new JIRA contains all of our old DNA releases and release notes, so all history is still there.  Plus, anybody that goes to one of the old DNA issues directly by URL will be automatically redirected to the corresponding new MODE issue.  And if you need to know what the old DNA issue number is, just look at the "All" tab on the issue, and look for the entry capturing the move operation.

All committers that had privileges in the old DNA JIRA automatically have issues in the new ModeShape JIRA. If you find your permissions are incorrect, please let me know and I'll fix it.

And if you have any problems, please let me know.

Best regards,


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