[embjopr-commits] EMBJOPR SVN: r591 - trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache.

embjopr-commits at lists.jboss.org embjopr-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon Jul 27 17:33:27 EDT 2009

Author: ozizka at redhat.com
Date: 2009-07-27 17:33:27 -0400 (Mon, 27 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 591

 * JBossCacheTest split to testcases by subnode.

Copied: trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache/JBossCacheCacheTest.java (from rev 590, trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache/JBossCacheTest.java)
--- trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache/JBossCacheCacheTest.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache/JBossCacheCacheTest.java	2009-07-27 21:33:27 UTC (rev 591)
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+package org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.as5.jbcache;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import javax.naming.InitialContext;
+import javax.naming.NamingException;
+import org.jboss.qa.jbcache.testear.*;
+import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
+import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.ApplicationTestBaseAS5;
+import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.exceptions.ActionOutOfSyncException;
+import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.exceptions.EmbJoprTestException;
+import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.exceptions.HtmlElementNotFoundException;
+import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.util.EmbJoprTestToolkit.ContentTable;
+import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.util.EmbJoprTestToolkit.ContentTableRow;
+import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.util.EmbJoprTestToolkit.NavTreeNode;
+ *
+ * @author Ondrej Zizka
+ *
+ * JBoss Cache is only present in 'all' JBoss AS profile.
+ */
+public class JBossCacheCacheTest extends JBossCacheTestBase {
+	/**
+	 * Test the navigation to JBoss Cache nodes.
+	 */
+	public void testJBossCacheParentNode() throws HtmlElementNotFoundException, IOException, EmbJoprTestException {
+		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
+		NavTreeNode cachesNode = ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(NAV_JBCACHES);
+		assertTrue( "JBoss Caches node has no children.", cachesNode.hasChildren() );
+		cachesNode.click();
+		final String HA_PARTITION = "ha-partition";
+		assertTrue("JBoss Caches should list '"+HA_PARTITION+"'", client.getPageAsText().contains(HA_PARTITION) );
+		ContentTable table = ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getFirstTable();
+		// Rows 1+
+		List<ContentTableRow> rows = table.getRows();
+		assertTrue( "Caches list should contain at least one cache.", rows.size() > 0 );
+		// The ha-partition cache is active by default.
+		// Check that it's present.
+		boolean haparPresent = false;
+		// Check that all caches are UP.
+		for( ContentTableRow row : rows ){
+			String name = row.getCellByColumnName(COL_RESOURCE_NAME).getTextContent().trim();
+			String status = row.getCellByColumnName(COL_RESOURCE_STATUS).getTextContent().trim();
+			log.info("Cache '"+name+" - status '"+status+"'.");
+			if( ! "UP".equals( status ) )
+				fail("Cache '"+name+"' is not UP, but '"+status+"'.");
+			if( JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION.equals(name) )
+				haparPresent = true;
+		}
+		if( !haparPresent)
+			throw new EmbJoprTestException("The '"+JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION+"' cache is not present.");
+		// Click on the first row link.
+		rows.get(0).getFirstLinkFromColumn(COL_RESOURCE_NAME).click();
+		// Check that we got to the Summary page.
+		assertTrue("JB Cache's Summary doesn't contain '"+LABEL_GENERAL_PROPERTIES+"' - is the Summary page ok?", client.getPageAsText().contains(LABEL_GENERAL_PROPERTIES));
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Test the navigation to JBoss Cache nodes.
+	 */
+	public void testJBossCacheNavigation() throws HtmlElementNotFoundException, IOException, EmbJoprTestException {
+		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
+		NavTreeNode haparNode = ejtt.getNavTree().getNodeByLabel(JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION);
+		// All expected subnodes:
+		String[] subnodesNames = new String[]{
+		};
+		// Check whether all expected child nodes are present.
+		List<String> names = new ArrayList();
+		CollectionUtils.addAll(names, subnodesNames);
+		// Remove the names which we find.
+		List<NavTreeNode> children = haparNode.getChildren();
+		for( NavTreeNode node : children ){
+			names.remove( node.getName() );
+		}
+		// The remaining names are missing.
+		if( names.size() > 0 ){
+			throw new EmbJoprTestException("These cache nodes are not present: "+StringUtils.join(names, ", "));
+		}
+		// Click through all the subnodes (exception could occur).
+		for( String name : subnodesNames ){
+			ejtt.getNavTree().getNodeByLabel(name).click();
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * JBoss Cache Summary tab.
+	 */
+	public void testJBossCacheSummary() throws EmbJoprTestException, IOException {
+		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
+		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION).expand();
+		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(SUBNODE_CACHE).click();
+		/*
+			General Properties
+				Name:jboss.cache:config=ha-partition,service=Cache
+				Version:--
+				Description:JBoss Cache
+		 */
+		/*ContentTable table = ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnderHeader(LABEL_GENERAL_PROPERTIES);
+		ContentInfoTable traitsTable = ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getContentInfoTable( table.getElement() );
+		Properties props = traitsTable.getProperties();
+		assertEquals("Traits - Name", DEFAULT_JBCACHE, props.getProperty("Name"));/**/
+		Properties props = new Properties();
+		props.setProperty("Name", "Cache");
+		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnformatted(LABEL_GENERAL_PROPERTIES).checkValues(props);
+		/*
+  		Numeric Metrics
+				Name	Value	Description
+				Number of Nodes	1	Number of Nodes
+     */
+		props = new Properties();
+		props.setProperty("Number of Nodes", "1");
+		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnderHeader(LABEL_NUMERIC_METRICS).checkValues(props);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * JBoss Cache Metrics tab.
+	 */
+	public void testJBossCacheMetrics() throws HtmlElementNotFoundException, IOException, EmbJoprTestException {
+		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
+		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION).expand();
+		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(SUBNODE_CACHE).click();
+		ejtt.tabMenu.clickMetricsTab();
+		assertTrue( "Metrics tab is not active", ejtt.tabMenu.isTabActive(TAB_NAME_METRICS) );
+		Properties props = new Properties();
+		props.setProperty("Node Locking Scheme", "PESSIMISTIC");
+		props.setProperty("Expose Management Statistics?", "true");
+		props.setProperty("Register JMX Resource?", "true");
+		props.setProperty("Multiplexer Stack", "udp");
+		props.setProperty("Cluster Name", "DefaultPartition-HAPartitionCache");
+		props.setProperty("Inactive on Startup?", "false");
+		props.setProperty("Cache Mode", "REPL_SYNC");
+		props.setProperty("Isolation Level", "REPEATABLE_READ");
+		props.setProperty("Replication Version", "3.1.0");
+		props.setProperty("Fetch In-Memory State?", "true");
+		props.setProperty("Use Replication Queue?", "false");
+		props.setProperty("Use Region-Based Marshalling?", "false");
+		props.setProperty("Sync Commit Phase?", "false");
+		props.setProperty("State", "3");
+		props.setProperty("Transaction Manager Lookup Class", "org.jboss.cache.transaction.BatchModeTransactionManagerLookup");
+		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnformatted(LABEL_TRAITS).checkValues(props);
+		// Numeric metrics
+		props = new Properties();
+		props.setProperty("Replication Queue Max Elements", "1,000");
+		props.setProperty("Number of Attributes", "0");
+		props.setProperty("Initial State Retrieval Timeout", "60,000");
+		props.setProperty("Replication Queue Interval", "5,000");
+		props.setProperty("Lock Acquisition Timeout", "15,000");
+		props.setProperty("Number of Nodes", "1");
+		props.setProperty("Sync Replication Timeout", "17,500");
+		props.setProperty("State Retrieval Timeout", "60,000");
+		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnderHeader(LABEL_NUMERIC_METRICS).checkValues(props);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * JBoss Cache Control tab - test operations.
+	 * Currently only testing whether the operations fails, because the print operations don't return usable information.
+	 * @see JOPR-319.
+	 */
+	public void testJBossCacheControl() throws HtmlElementNotFoundException, IOException, ActionOutOfSyncException, EmbJoprTestException {
+		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
+		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION).expand();
+		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(SUBNODE_CACHE).click();
+		ejtt.tabMenu.clickControlTab();
+		assertTrue( "Control tab is not active", ejtt.tabMenu.isTabActive(TAB_NAME_CONTROL) );
+		// Click some buttons - should not harm.
+		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Print cache details as HTML.").click();
+		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Print lock information.").click();
+		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Print lock info as HTML.").click();
+		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Print configuration as plain text.").click();
+		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Print configuration as HTML.").click();
+		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Stop this cache.").click();
+		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Start this cache.").click();
+		// Now test the operations, one by one.
+		Map<String, String> operationsToTest = new HashMap();
+		//operationsToTest.put("Print cache details.", "See JOPR-319.");
+		operationsToTest.put("Print cache details.", null);
+		operationsToTest.put("Print cache details as HTML.", null);
+		operationsToTest.put("Print lock information.", null);
+		operationsToTest.put("Print lock info as HTML.", null);
+		operationsToTest.put("Print configuration as plain text.", null);
+		operationsToTest.put("Print configuration as HTML.", null);
+		for( String opName : operationsToTest.keySet() ){
+			ejtt.operations.testOperation( opName, operationsToTest.get(opName) );
+		}
+	}
+}// class

Added: trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache/JBossCacheInterceptorTest.java
--- trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache/JBossCacheInterceptorTest.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache/JBossCacheInterceptorTest.java	2009-07-27 21:33:27 UTC (rev 591)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+package org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.as5.jbcache;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import javax.naming.InitialContext;
+import javax.naming.NamingException;
+import org.jboss.qa.jbcache.testear.*;
+import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.exceptions.EmbJoprTestException;
+ *
+ * @author Ondrej Zizka
+ *
+ * JBoss Cache is only present in 'all' JBoss AS profile.
+ */
+public class JBossCacheInterceptorTest extends JBossCacheTestBase {
+	/**
+	 * Interceptor Summary tab.
+	 */
+	public void testJBossCacheInterceptorSummary() throws IOException, EmbJoprTestException {
+		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
+		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION).expand();
+		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(SUBNODE_INTERCEPTOR).click();
+		// Gen Props - nothing useful.
+		Properties props = new Properties();
+		props.setProperty("Name", "Interceptor");
+		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnformatted(LABEL_GENERAL_PROPERTIES).checkValues(props);
+		/*
+  		Numeric Metrics
+				Hit/Miss Ratio	      0	     Hit/Miss Ratio
+				Read/Write Ratio	    0	     Read/Write Ratio
+				Number Of Attributes	0	     the number of cache attributes
+				Average Write Time	  0.0ms	 the average amount of time per write operation
+				Average Read Time	    0.0ms	 the average amount of time per read operation
+		 */
+		props = new Properties();
+		props.setProperty("Hit/Miss Ratio", "0");
+		props.setProperty("Read/Write Ratio", "0");
+		props.setProperty("Number Of Attributes", "0.0ms");
+		props.setProperty("Average Write Time", "0.0ms");
+		props.setProperty("Average Read Time", "0.0ms");
+		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnderHeader(LABEL_NUMERIC_METRICS).checkValues(props);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Interceptor Summary tab after querying Hibernate.
+	 */
+	public void testJBossCacheInterceptorSummary_AfterQuery() throws IOException, EmbJoprTestException, NamingException {
+		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
+		final String BEAN_JNDI = "TestOperationBean/remote";
+		// Query the bean.
+		log.info("Looking up "+BEAN_JNDI+"...");
+		InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
+		TestOperation bean = (TestOperation) ctx.lookup(BEAN_JNDI);
+		log.info("Sending request...");
+		bean.test();
+		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION).expand();
+		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(SUBNODE_INTERCEPTOR).click();
+		// Gen Props - nothing useful.
+		Properties props = new Properties();
+		props.setProperty("Name", "Interceptor");
+		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnformatted(LABEL_GENERAL_PROPERTIES).checkValues(props);
+		/*
+  		Numeric Metrics
+				Hit/Miss Ratio	      0	     Hit/Miss Ratio
+				Read/Write Ratio	    0	     Read/Write Ratio
+				Number Of Attributes	0	     the number of cache attributes
+				Average Write Time	  0.0ms	 the average amount of time per write operation
+				Average Read Time	    0.0ms	 the average amount of time per read operation
+		 */
+		props = new Properties();
+		props.setProperty("Hit/Miss Ratio", "0");
+		props.setProperty("Read/Write Ratio", "0");
+		props.setProperty("Number Of Attributes", "0.0ms");
+		props.setProperty("Average Write Time", "0.0ms");
+		props.setProperty("Average Read Time", "0.0ms");
+		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnderHeader(LABEL_NUMERIC_METRICS).checkValues(props);
+	}
+}// class

Deleted: trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache/JBossCacheTest.java
--- trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache/JBossCacheTest.java	2009-07-27 20:40:38 UTC (rev 590)
+++ trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache/JBossCacheTest.java	2009-07-27 21:33:27 UTC (rev 591)
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-package org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.as5.jbcache;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import javax.naming.InitialContext;
-import javax.naming.NamingException;
-import org.jboss.qa.jbcache.testear.*;
-import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
-import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
-import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.ApplicationTestBaseAS5;
-import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.exceptions.ActionOutOfSyncException;
-import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.exceptions.EmbJoprTestException;
-import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.exceptions.HtmlElementNotFoundException;
-import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.util.EmbJoprTestToolkit.ContentTable;
-import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.util.EmbJoprTestToolkit.ContentTableRow;
-import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.util.EmbJoprTestToolkit.NavTreeNode;
- *
- * @author Ondrej Zizka
- *
- * JBoss Cache is only present in 'all' JBoss AS profile.
- */
-public class JBossCacheTest extends ApplicationTestBaseAS5 {
-	public final DeployableTypes APP_TYPE = DeployableTypes.JBCACHE;
-	// Cache which is active by default.
-	private static final String JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION = "jboss.cache:config=ha-partition,service=Cache";
-	private static final String JBCACHE_MVCC_ENTITY = "jboss.cache:config=mvcc-entity,service=Cache";
-	private static final String JBCACHE_PESSIMISTIC_SHARED = "jboss.cache:config=pessimistic-shared,service=Cache";
-	private static final String JBCACHE_TIMESTAMPS = "jboss.cache:config=timestamps-cache,service=Cache";
-	// Subnodes
-	private static final String SUBNODE_CACHE = "Cache";
-	private static final String SUBNODE_INTERCEPTOR = "Interceptor";
-	private static final String SUBNODE_DATA_CONTAINER = "Data Container";
-	private static final String SUBNODE_RPC_MANAGER = "RPC Manager";
-	private static final String SUBNODE_REGION_MANAGER = "RegionManager";
-	private static final String SUBNODE_TRANSACTION_TABLE = "Transaction Table";
-	private boolean isJBossConfigWithoutCache(){
-		boolean isJBossConfigWithoutCache = ! ejtt.getJBossConfig().equals("all");
-		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache )
-			log.warn("JBoss instance is not running the 'all' configuration ('"+ejtt.getJBossConfig()+"' instead) - " +
-							"thus, has no JBoss Cache. Set -Dcargo.jboss.configuration=all for maven.");
-		return isJBossConfigWithoutCache;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test the navigation to JBoss Cache nodes.
-	 */
-	public void testJBossCacheParentNode() throws HtmlElementNotFoundException, IOException, EmbJoprTestException {
-		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
-		NavTreeNode cachesNode = ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(NAV_JBCACHES);
-		assertTrue( "JBoss Caches node has no children.", cachesNode.hasChildren() );
-		cachesNode.click();
-		final String HA_PARTITION = "ha-partition";
-		assertTrue("JBoss Caches should list '"+HA_PARTITION+"'", client.getPageAsText().contains(HA_PARTITION) );
-		ContentTable table = ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getFirstTable();
-		// Rows 1+
-		List<ContentTableRow> rows = table.getRows();
-		assertTrue( "Caches list should contain at least one cache.", rows.size() > 0 );
-		// The ha-partition cache is active by default.
-		// Check that it's present.
-		boolean haparPresent = false;
-		// Check that all caches are UP.
-		for( ContentTableRow row : rows ){
-			String name = row.getCellByColumnName(COL_RESOURCE_NAME).getTextContent().trim();
-			String status = row.getCellByColumnName(COL_RESOURCE_STATUS).getTextContent().trim();
-			log.info("Cache '"+name+" - status '"+status+"'.");
-			if( ! "UP".equals( status ) )
-				fail("Cache '"+name+"' is not UP, but '"+status+"'.");
-			if( JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION.equals(name) )
-				haparPresent = true;
-		}
-		if( !haparPresent)
-			throw new EmbJoprTestException("The '"+JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION+"' cache is not present.");
-		// Click on the first row link.
-		rows.get(0).getFirstLinkFromColumn(COL_RESOURCE_NAME).click();
-		// Check that we got to the Summary page.
-		assertTrue("JB Cache's Summary doesn't contain '"+LABEL_GENERAL_PROPERTIES+"' - is the Summary page ok?", client.getPageAsText().contains(LABEL_GENERAL_PROPERTIES));
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test the navigation to JBoss Cache nodes.
-	 */
-	public void testJBossCacheNavigation() throws HtmlElementNotFoundException, IOException, EmbJoprTestException {
-		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
-		NavTreeNode haparNode = ejtt.getNavTree().getNodeByLabel(JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION);
-		// All expected subnodes:
-		String[] subnodesNames = new String[]{
-		};
-		// Check whether all expected child nodes are present.
-		List<String> names = new ArrayList();
-		CollectionUtils.addAll(names, subnodesNames);
-		// Remove the names which we find.
-		List<NavTreeNode> children = haparNode.getChildren();
-		for( NavTreeNode node : children ){
-			names.remove( node.getName() );
-		}
-		// The remaining names are missing.
-		if( names.size() > 0 ){
-			throw new EmbJoprTestException("These cache nodes are not present: "+StringUtils.join(names, ", "));
-		}
-		// Click through all the subnodes (exception could occur).
-		for( String name : subnodesNames ){
-			ejtt.getNavTree().getNodeByLabel(name).click();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * JBoss Cache Summary tab.
-	 */
-	public void testJBossCacheSummary() throws EmbJoprTestException, IOException {
-		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
-		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION).expand();
-		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(SUBNODE_CACHE).click();
-		/*
-			General Properties
-				Name:jboss.cache:config=ha-partition,service=Cache
-				Version:--
-				Description:JBoss Cache
-		 */
-		/*ContentTable table = ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnderHeader(LABEL_GENERAL_PROPERTIES);
-		ContentInfoTable traitsTable = ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getContentInfoTable( table.getElement() );
-		Properties props = traitsTable.getProperties();
-		assertEquals("Traits - Name", DEFAULT_JBCACHE, props.getProperty("Name"));/**/
-		Properties props = new Properties();
-		props.setProperty("Name", "Cache");
-		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnformatted(LABEL_GENERAL_PROPERTIES).checkValues(props);
-		/*
-  		Numeric Metrics
-				Name	Value	Description
-				Number of Nodes	1	Number of Nodes
-     */
-		props = new Properties();
-		props.setProperty("Number of Nodes", "1");
-		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnderHeader(LABEL_NUMERIC_METRICS).checkValues(props);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * JBoss Cache Metrics tab.
-	 */
-	public void testJBossCacheMetrics() throws HtmlElementNotFoundException, IOException, EmbJoprTestException {
-		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
-		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION).expand();
-		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(SUBNODE_CACHE).click();
-		ejtt.tabMenu.clickMetricsTab();
-		assertTrue( "Metrics tab is not active", ejtt.tabMenu.isTabActive(TAB_NAME_METRICS) );
-		Properties props = new Properties();
-		props.setProperty("Node Locking Scheme", "PESSIMISTIC");
-		props.setProperty("Expose Management Statistics?", "true");
-		props.setProperty("Register JMX Resource?", "true");
-		props.setProperty("Multiplexer Stack", "udp");
-		props.setProperty("Cluster Name", "DefaultPartition-HAPartitionCache");
-		props.setProperty("Inactive on Startup?", "false");
-		props.setProperty("Cache Mode", "REPL_SYNC");
-		props.setProperty("Isolation Level", "REPEATABLE_READ");
-		props.setProperty("Replication Version", "3.1.0");
-		props.setProperty("Fetch In-Memory State?", "true");
-		props.setProperty("Use Replication Queue?", "false");
-		props.setProperty("Use Region-Based Marshalling?", "false");
-		props.setProperty("Sync Commit Phase?", "false");
-		props.setProperty("State", "3");
-		props.setProperty("Transaction Manager Lookup Class", "org.jboss.cache.transaction.BatchModeTransactionManagerLookup");
-		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnformatted(LABEL_TRAITS).checkValues(props);
-		// Numeric metrics
-		props = new Properties();
-		props.setProperty("Replication Queue Max Elements", "1,000");
-		props.setProperty("Number of Attributes", "0");
-		props.setProperty("Initial State Retrieval Timeout", "60,000");
-		props.setProperty("Replication Queue Interval", "5,000");
-		props.setProperty("Lock Acquisition Timeout", "15,000");
-		props.setProperty("Number of Nodes", "1");
-		props.setProperty("Sync Replication Timeout", "17,500");
-		props.setProperty("State Retrieval Timeout", "60,000");
-		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnderHeader(LABEL_NUMERIC_METRICS).checkValues(props);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * JBoss Cache Control tab - test operations.
-	 * Currently only testing whether the operations fails, because the print operations don't return usable information.
-	 * @see JOPR-319.
-	 */
-	public void testJBossCacheControl() throws HtmlElementNotFoundException, IOException, ActionOutOfSyncException, EmbJoprTestException {
-		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
-		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION).expand();
-		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(SUBNODE_CACHE).click();
-		ejtt.tabMenu.clickControlTab();
-		assertTrue( "Control tab is not active", ejtt.tabMenu.isTabActive(TAB_NAME_CONTROL) );
-		// Click some buttons - should not harm.
-		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Print cache details as HTML.").click();
-		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Print lock information.").click();
-		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Print lock info as HTML.").click();
-		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Print configuration as plain text.").click();
-		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Print configuration as HTML.").click();
-		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Stop this cache.").click();
-		ejtt.tabMenu.getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Start this cache.").click();
-		// Now test the operations, one by one.
-		Map<String, String> operationsToTest = new HashMap();
-		//operationsToTest.put("Print cache details.", "See JOPR-319.");
-		operationsToTest.put("Print cache details.", null);
-		operationsToTest.put("Print cache details as HTML.", null);
-		operationsToTest.put("Print lock information.", null);
-		operationsToTest.put("Print lock info as HTML.", null);
-		operationsToTest.put("Print configuration as plain text.", null);
-		operationsToTest.put("Print configuration as HTML.", null);
-		for( String opName : operationsToTest.keySet() ){
-			ejtt.operations.testOperation( opName, operationsToTest.get(opName) );
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Interceptor Summary tab.
-	 */
-	public void testJBossCacheInterceptorSummary() throws IOException, EmbJoprTestException {
-		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
-		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION).expand();
-		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(SUBNODE_INTERCEPTOR).click();
-		// Gen Props - nothing useful.
-		Properties props = new Properties();
-		props.setProperty("Name", "Interceptor");
-		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnformatted(LABEL_GENERAL_PROPERTIES).checkValues(props);
-		/*
-  		Numeric Metrics
-				Hit/Miss Ratio	      0	     Hit/Miss Ratio
-				Read/Write Ratio	    0	     Read/Write Ratio
-				Number Of Attributes	0	     the number of cache attributes
-				Average Write Time	  0.0ms	 the average amount of time per write operation
-				Average Read Time	    0.0ms	 the average amount of time per read operation
-		 */
-		props = new Properties();
-		props.setProperty("Hit/Miss Ratio", "0");
-		props.setProperty("Read/Write Ratio", "0");
-		props.setProperty("Number Of Attributes", "0.0ms");
-		props.setProperty("Average Write Time", "0.0ms");
-		props.setProperty("Average Read Time", "0.0ms");
-		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnderHeader(LABEL_NUMERIC_METRICS).checkValues(props);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Interceptor Summary tab after querying Hibernate.
-	 */
-	public void testJBossCacheInterceptorSummary_AfterQuery() throws IOException, EmbJoprTestException, NamingException {
-		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache() ) return;
-		final String BEAN_JNDI = "TestOperationBean/remote";
-		// Query the bean.
-		log.info("Looking up "+BEAN_JNDI+"...");
-		InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
-		TestOperation bean = (TestOperation) ctx.lookup(BEAN_JNDI);
-		log.info("Sending request...");
-		bean.test();
-		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION).expand();
-		ejtt.navTree.getNodeByLabel(SUBNODE_INTERCEPTOR).click();
-		// Gen Props - nothing useful.
-		Properties props = new Properties();
-		props.setProperty("Name", "Interceptor");
-		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnformatted(LABEL_GENERAL_PROPERTIES).checkValues(props);
-		/*
-  		Numeric Metrics
-				Hit/Miss Ratio	      0	     Hit/Miss Ratio
-				Read/Write Ratio	    0	     Read/Write Ratio
-				Number Of Attributes	0	     the number of cache attributes
-				Average Write Time	  0.0ms	 the average amount of time per write operation
-				Average Read Time	    0.0ms	 the average amount of time per read operation
-		 */
-		props = new Properties();
-		props.setProperty("Hit/Miss Ratio", "0");
-		props.setProperty("Read/Write Ratio", "0");
-		props.setProperty("Number Of Attributes", "0.0ms");
-		props.setProperty("Average Write Time", "0.0ms");
-		props.setProperty("Average Read Time", "0.0ms");
-		ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getTableUnderHeader(LABEL_NUMERIC_METRICS).checkValues(props);
-	}
-}// class

Added: trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache/JBossCacheTestBase.java
--- trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache/JBossCacheTestBase.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/jbcache/JBossCacheTestBase.java	2009-07-27 21:33:27 UTC (rev 591)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.as5.jbcache;
+import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.AppConstants.DeployableTypes;
+import org.jboss.jopr.jsfunit.ApplicationTestBaseAS5;
+ *
+ * @author Ondrej Zizka
+ */
+public class JBossCacheTestBase extends ApplicationTestBaseAS5 {
+	public final DeployableTypes APP_TYPE = DeployableTypes.JBCACHE;
+	// Cache which is active by default.
+	protected static final String JBCACHE_HA_PARTITION = "jboss.cache:config=ha-partition,service=Cache";
+	protected static final String JBCACHE_MVCC_ENTITY = "jboss.cache:config=mvcc-entity,service=Cache";
+	protected static final String JBCACHE_PESSIMISTIC_SHARED = "jboss.cache:config=pessimistic-shared,service=Cache";
+	protected static final String JBCACHE_TIMESTAMPS = "jboss.cache:config=timestamps-cache,service=Cache";
+	// Subnodes
+	protected static final String SUBNODE_CACHE = "Cache";
+	protected static final String SUBNODE_INTERCEPTOR = "Interceptor";
+	protected static final String SUBNODE_DATA_CONTAINER = "Data Container";
+	protected static final String SUBNODE_RPC_MANAGER = "RPC Manager";
+	protected static final String SUBNODE_REGION_MANAGER = "RegionManager";
+	protected static final String SUBNODE_TRANSACTION_TABLE = "Transaction Table";
+	protected boolean isJBossConfigWithoutCache(){
+		boolean isJBossConfigWithoutCache = ! ejtt.getJBossConfig().equals("all");
+		if( isJBossConfigWithoutCache )
+			log.warn("JBoss instance is not running the 'all' configuration ('"+ejtt.getJBossConfig()+"' instead) - " +
+							"thus, has no JBoss Cache. Set -Dcargo.jboss.configuration=all for maven.");
+		return isJBossConfigWithoutCache;
+	}
+}// class

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