[embjopr-commits] EMBJOPR SVN: r434 - trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/app/ear.

embjopr-commits at lists.jboss.org embjopr-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon May 18 08:29:19 EDT 2009

Author: ozizka at redhat.com
Date: 2009-05-18 08:29:19 -0400 (Mon, 18 May 2009)
New Revision: 434

EarTest - cleanup.

Modified: trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/app/ear/EarTest.java
--- trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/app/ear/EarTest.java	2009-05-18 12:25:53 UTC (rev 433)
+++ trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/app/ear/EarTest.java	2009-05-18 12:29:19 UTC (rev 434)
@@ -1210,99 +1210,10 @@
-	/**
-	 * Waits for the deployable to be in the UP State.
-	 *
-	 * @param type  Type of deployable - EAR, WAR, SAR, ...
-	 * @param name  Name of the deployable, like 'hello.war'.
-		 @deprecated  Moved to EJTT.Deployment.
-	 */
-	private void XwaitActivelyForDeployment(
-						final DeployableTypes type, final String name,
-						int intervalMS, int retries
-					)
-					throws EmbJoprTestException, IOException
-	{
-		try {
-			String conditionDesc = type.name()+" "+name+" appears in embjopr as deployed";
-			final EmbJoprTestToolkit selfEjtt = ejtt;
-			boolean deployedSuccessfuly =
-			new ActiveConditionChecker( new DescribedCondition(conditionDesc) {
-				int callsMade = 0;
-				public boolean isTrue() throws HtmlElementNotFoundException, IOException {
-					// Refresh the page if this is not the first call.
-					if( callsMade++ > 0 )
-						selfEjtt.refreshPage();
-					// If found, return true.
-					return new DeploymentUtils().isDeployedAccordingToEmbJopr( type, name );
-				}
-			} ).dumpPageOnTimeout(this).throwOnTimeout().waitWithTimeout( intervalMS, retries );
-		}
-		catch( EmbJoprTestException ex ){ throw ex; }
-		catch( IOException ex ){ throw ex; }
-		// Wrap all exceptions to EmbJoprTestException.
-		catch( Exception ex ){
-			throw new EmbJoprTestException("Exception thrown while actively waiting for condition.", ex);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Utilities for performing and checking deployment.
-	 * In the future, it should be general interface like
-	 *   boolean isDeployed( DeployableType type, String name ).
-	 */
-	protected class DeploymentUtils {
-		/**
-		 * Returns true if EmbJopr lists a deployable of given type and name,
-		 * and it's State is UP; false otherwise.
-		 */
-		private boolean isDeployedAccordingToEmbJopr( DeployableTypes type, String deployableName )
-						throws HtmlElementNotFoundException, IOException
-		{
-			// Refresh / go to the appropriate page.
-			ejtt.getNavTree().getNodeByLabel( type.getNavTreeLabel() ).click();
-			ContentTableRow earRow = ejtt.getDefaultContentTable().findFirstRowContainingLink(deployableName);
-			if( null == earRow ){
-				log.debug("Row with "+deployableName+" not present.");
-				return false;
-			}
-			String statusText = earRow.getCellTextByColumnName("Status");
-			if( "UP".equals(statusText) ){
-				return true;
-			}else{
-				log.debug("Row with "+deployableName+" has Status == '"+statusText+"' != UP.");
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		private void undeployViaFileSystem( String name ) throws EmbJoprTestException{
-			String deployPath = System.getProperty(SYSPROP_DEPLOY_DIR);
-			String fileName = deployPath+"/"+name;
-			File fileToDelete = new File(fileName);
-			if( !fileToDelete.exists() )
-				throw new EmbJoprTestException("Deployable doesn't exist: "+fileName);
-			if(fileToDelete.isFile()){
-				if( !fileToDelete.delete() ){
-					throw new EmbJoprTestException("Unable to delete: "+fileName);
-				}
-			}else if(fileToDelete.isDirectory()){
-				deleteDirectory(fileToDelete);
-			}
-		}// isDeployedAccordingToFileSystem()
-	}// class DeploymentUtils

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