[embjopr-dev] support for view/update of WAR/EAR files

Charles Crouch ccrouch at redhat.com
Mon Nov 3 15:20:36 EST 2008

----- "Ian Springer" <ian.springer at redhat.com> wrote:
> > To update the WAR file, select a file path then click Update. Note
> the 
> > specified file must have the same name as the existing WAR file 
> > (foo.war).

Can't we support what I thought we had in Jopr, I upload any file (with the appropriate extension) and we'll rename it to match the original underlying file.

----- "Ian Springer" <ian.springer at redhat.com> wrote:
> > We could optionally add an Update History section below the above
> that 
> > would look something like this:

If you want to jira this go for it, but lets not spend time implementing it right now. Lets see if people really want it or not.

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