[embjopr-dev] platform and server nodes in navtree

Charles Crouch ccrouch at redhat.com
Tue Nov 25 12:23:13 EST 2008

See my replies below...
----- "Ian Springer" <ian.springer at redhat.com> wrote:

> It seems that due to the nature of embedded, there will always be a 
> single platform and a single server as a child of that platform. 

Right now this is correct but it probably won't stay that way. Once we start supporting clusters of JBAS instances there could be multiple servers here. 

> So I think we should get rid of the JBossAS resource type node, which
> serves 
> no purpose other than to confuse, and have the JBossAS resource node
> be 
> directly under the platform node. This would also get rid of an entire
> near-root level of the tree, making it less complex and easier to 
> digest. 

I agree it would be easier to navigate without this extra resourcetype node given there is currently only going to be one server under there. Maybe we could optimize this so the resource type node only appears if there is at least one resource of that type in the hierarchy, or you can manually add more resources.

Looking at PlatformResourceTreeNode it definitely looks wrong currently...

// Server resources, e.g. JBAS, hang directly off the platform without 
// an intervening resource type.  In order to present these in a "nice way" 
// in the nav, we add nodes for the resource types of each of the child
// resources underneath the platform, rather than just the resources themselves.
// The resources in turn will show up under their corresponding resource type nodes
Set<Resource> childResources = getResource().getChildResources();
for (Resource childResource : childResources)
    addChildResourceTypeNode(childResource.getResourceType(), getResource());

But this will create a new resourcetype node for each resource *instance*, so when we start supporting clusters this will not do what we want. 

How about for childResources where there is only one instance *and* type.isSingleton()==true, then output it straight under the platform. This should cover the case we have today of a single JBAS instance.
Otherwise put the childResources under the resourceType (e.g. addChildResourceTypeNode(childResource.getResourceType(), getResource()). That way if you have multiple JBAS instances in the future we can group them together plus if isSingleton()!=true we can use the resourceType node as a holder for add/delete operations as we do for other resource types.

> If we do this, I think we could get rid of 
> PlatformResourceTreeNode and use SingletonResourceTypeTreeNode for
> both 
> the platform and server nodes.
> Thoughts?
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