[esb-dev] Why a message store?

Mark Little mlittle at redhat.com
Tue Jun 5 11:02:41 EDT 2007

Didn't we have this discussion back in March (http://www.jboss.com/ 

I spoke with Tim at the time and the message store they've got in JBM  
is pretty basic and doesn't have much in the way of search  
capabilities. Although what we've got is a store, it needs to be more  
than that from our perspective. Ultimately we need to tie this into  
SLAs, audit trails, complex search criteria etc. It's not just for  
the reliable delivery of messages, which is what the JBM  
implementation is there for.

There are two separate use cases for a "message store":

(i) Someone deploying the ESB and wanting reliable messaging may need  
a store in order to guarantee delivery in the presence of failures.  
That store should be optimised for the transport and probably comes  
with the transport. In this case, the store with always store the  
entire message, either permanently or for the duration of the delivery.

(ii) Someone deploying the ESB and wants to maintain audit trails for  
all (or a select) messages. Messages stored here may need to be  
searched in a variety of ways. Also, the entire message may not need  
to be stored. It may be possible to just store the header  
information. Or it may actually be illegal to store the entire  
message (some contracts exist where only the sender and receiver can  
ever have the entire message and intermediaries aren't allowed to do  

If we were only looking at (i), then JBM would be fine. However,  
we're really looking at (ii). Whether we should use the current  
Message Store to achieve (i) is a different discussion. My 2 cents is  
that we shouldn't: these are really two different entities, even if  
they have the same name.


On 5 Jun 2007, at 15:15, Bill Burke wrote:

> What exactly does this ESB Message Store do?  This is what I wrote  
> to kurt in a private email:
> "BTW, I still think you guys are reimplementing (in a half-ass way)  
> what JBoss Message and JBoss MQ have in a Message Store.  If you  
> want an FTP message to be persisted, then:
> 1) Make the FTP inbound transactional so that it doesn't change the  
> status of the FTP file until tx commit
> 2) Post a persistent message to a JMS Queue.
> 3) Do 1 and 2 within a transaction.
> I don't see anything wrong with using JMS under the covers.  It  
> shouldn't be "heavyweight" intra-JVM."
> Its fine if the ESB team's goal is to write JMS++, but it should be  
> done on top of a messaging solution like JBoss Messaging.  I don't  
> see the added value to our users for the ESB team to writing  
> similar functionality to JBoss Messaging.
> -- 
> Bill Burke
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat Inc.
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Mark Little
mlittle at redhat.com

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