[esb-dev] build error

Tom Fennelly tom.fennelly at jboss.com
Wed Jun 27 10:36:54 EDT 2007

Is it for anything else other than JUnit?  If not, I wonder could we 
push this right down and only use it for the junit test targets?  This 
way we we can revert back to using depends Vs having targets that always 
call runant.  Not sure it will help - maybe an experiment is required :-)


Kevin Conner wrote:
> Tom Fennelly wrote:
>> Kurt just pointed something out to me re those "runant" macros.  Are
>> these at the root of our problem re builds taking forever because
>> targets are running multiple times?  I saw these a few weeks back and
>> was wondering why they were necessary but was afraid to ask at the time
>> :-)  Well, anyone know what these are about?
> Yes, the runant macros are there to make sure that the build has the
> correct classpath (notably including junit) so that you can just run ant
> and 'it will work (tm)'.
> It is only supposed to be used in the public targets so dependencies
> should not be using those.
> 	Kev

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