[esb-dev] qa tests - dist dependency

Kurt T Stam kurt.stam at jboss.com
Mon May 21 11:51:25 EDT 2007

Yes, just look a the build machine.

Kevin Conner wrote:
> Kurt T Stam wrote:
>> I creates a distribution, all the zip files. I don't need those for qa do I?
> You certainly don't need the zip files but you do need the distribution.
>  Is the generation of the zips really adding so much time to your build?
> IIRC the addition of the zips happened around the same time as the esb
> server was added to the build, not sure why that was done the way it was
> though.
> 	Kev
> P.S. a dist on my machine takes less than three minutes and the largest
> component is the generation of the javadocs, not the zips.  We can
> certainly speed up the build but I would guess that speeding up the
> javadoc generation would give you a better experience.
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