[esb-dev] jca done (I think)

Kurt T Stam kurt.stam at jboss.com
Tue May 22 21:34:46 EDT 2007

Very cool!

1. So now we can use XA Txs spanning DB and JMS resources?

2. I'm guessing we'd still be using the old JmsGateway when running in
bootstrapper mode?

3. How does 'transacted' work? I mean an mdb has: supports, requiresNew,
required, none.


Bill Burke wrote:
> Here's doco:
> http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=UsingJCAWithJBossESB
> Had to update server zip to include:
> jms-ra.rar
> jms-ds.xml
> Also added the JDBC xa rar as people will want to use XA datasources.
> Bill

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