[exo-jcr-commits] exo-jcr SVN: r440 - in jcr/branches/1.12.0-JBC/component/core: src/main/java/org/exoplatform/services/jcr/impl/storage/jbosscache and 1 other directories.

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Wed Oct 28 15:21:31 EDT 2009

Author: pnedonosko
Date: 2009-10-28 15:21:30 -0400 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 440

EXOJCR-200: WorkspaceStorageConnection impl parts

Modified: jcr/branches/1.12.0-JBC/component/core/pom.xml
--- jcr/branches/1.12.0-JBC/component/core/pom.xml	2009-10-28 16:24:19 UTC (rev 439)
+++ jcr/branches/1.12.0-JBC/component/core/pom.xml	2009-10-28 19:21:30 UTC (rev 440)
@@ -568,10 +568,10 @@
-                        <include>**/**/TestErrorMultithreading__.java</include>
-                        <include>**/**/TestItem.java</include>
+                        <include>**/**/TestItem_.java</include>
+                        <include>**/**/JBossCacheStorageConnectionTest.java</include>

Modified: jcr/branches/1.12.0-JBC/component/core/src/main/java/org/exoplatform/services/jcr/impl/storage/jbosscache/JBossCacheStorageConnection.java
--- jcr/branches/1.12.0-JBC/component/core/src/main/java/org/exoplatform/services/jcr/impl/storage/jbosscache/JBossCacheStorageConnection.java	2009-10-28 16:24:19 UTC (rev 439)
+++ jcr/branches/1.12.0-JBC/component/core/src/main/java/org/exoplatform/services/jcr/impl/storage/jbosscache/JBossCacheStorageConnection.java	2009-10-28 19:21:30 UTC (rev 440)
@@ -142,8 +142,7 @@
       Fqn<String> parentFqn = makeParentFqn(data.getQPath());
       // add an attr to the parent node as key=PropertyName value=PropertyId
-      cache.put(parentFqn, data.getQPath().getEntries()[data.getQPath().getEntries().length - 1].getAsString(true),
-         data.getIdentifier());
+      cache.put(parentFqn, data.getQPath().getName().getAsString(), data.getIdentifier());
       cache.put(makeIdFqn(data.getIdentifier()), ITEM_DATA, data);
@@ -217,12 +216,13 @@
       List<PropertyData> childs = new ArrayList<PropertyData>();
       // TODO keys Serializable shoudl be!!!
-      for (Object key : parentNode.getKeys())
+      for (Serializable key : parentNode.getKeys())
          if (!key.equals(ITEM_ID))
+            String propId = (String) parentNode.get(key);
             // TODO NodeData or PropertyData? As ItemData check then and cast.               
-            PropertyData property = (PropertyData)cache.get(makeIdFqn((String)key), ITEM_DATA);
+            PropertyData property = (PropertyData)cache.get(makeIdFqn(propId), ITEM_DATA);
             if (property == null)
                throw new RepositoryException("One of childs is null. Parent " + parent.getQPath().getAsString());

Modified: jcr/branches/1.12.0-JBC/component/core/src/test/java/org/exoplatform/services/jcr/impl/storage/jbosscache/JBossCacheStorageConnectionTest.java
--- jcr/branches/1.12.0-JBC/component/core/src/test/java/org/exoplatform/services/jcr/impl/storage/jbosscache/JBossCacheStorageConnectionTest.java	2009-10-28 16:24:19 UTC (rev 439)
+++ jcr/branches/1.12.0-JBC/component/core/src/test/java/org/exoplatform/services/jcr/impl/storage/jbosscache/JBossCacheStorageConnectionTest.java	2009-10-28 19:21:30 UTC (rev 440)
@@ -36,20 +36,25 @@
 package org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.storage.jbosscache;
+import java.io.Serializable;
+import java.util.List;
 import junit.framework.TestCase;
 import org.exoplatform.services.jcr.access.AccessControlList;
 import org.exoplatform.services.jcr.datamodel.InternalQName;
+import org.exoplatform.services.jcr.datamodel.NodeData;
+import org.exoplatform.services.jcr.datamodel.PropertyData;
 import org.exoplatform.services.jcr.datamodel.QPath;
+import org.exoplatform.services.jcr.datamodel.QPathEntry;
 import org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.Constants;
 import org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.dataflow.TransientNodeData;
+import org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.dataflow.TransientPropertyData;
 import org.jboss.cache.Cache;
 import org.jboss.cache.DefaultCacheFactory;
 import org.jboss.cache.Fqn;
 import org.jboss.cache.Node;
-import java.io.Serializable;
  * Created by The eXo Platform SAS.
@@ -77,7 +82,7 @@
       // JBossCache 
-      String jbcConfig = "/conf/portal/exojcr-jboss-cache-conf.xml";
+      String jbcConfig = "conf/portal/exojcr-jboss-cache-conf.xml";
       cache = new DefaultCacheFactory<Serializable, Object>().createCache(jbcConfig);
@@ -108,23 +113,274 @@
+   private void treePrint(Node<Serializable, Object> node)
+   {
+      for (Node<Serializable, Object> child : node.getChildren())
+      {
+         System.out.println(child.toString());
+         for (Serializable key : child.getKeys())
+         {
+            System.out.println("\t" + key + "=" + child.get(key));
+         }
+         if (!child.isLeaf())
+         {
+            treePrint(child);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   private Fqn<String> makeFqn(Node<Serializable, Object> root, QPath nodePath)
+   {
+      QPathEntry[] path = nodePath.getEntries();
+      String[] fqns = new String[path.length];
+      for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++)
+      {
+         fqns[i] = path[i].getAsString(true);
+      }
+      return Fqn.fromRelativeFqn(root.getFqn(), Fqn.fromElements(fqns));
+   }
    public void testAddNode() throws Exception
-      // add
-      conn.add(new TransientNodeData(QPath.parse("[]:node:1"), "1", 1, Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED, new InternalQName[0],
-         0, Constants.ROOT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
+      // add root (/)
+      conn.add(new TransientNodeData(Constants.ROOT_PATH, Constants.ROOT_UUID, 1, Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED,
+         new InternalQName[0], 0, Constants.ROOT_PARENT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
+      // add node (/node)
+      String node1id = "1";
+      QPath node1path = QPath.parse("[]:1[]node:1");
+      conn.add(new TransientNodeData(node1path, node1id, 1, Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED, new InternalQName[0], 0,
+         Constants.ROOT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
+      // add /jcr:system
+      conn.add(new TransientNodeData(Constants.JCR_SYSTEM_PATH, Constants.SYSTEM_UUID, 1, Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED,
+         new InternalQName[0], 0, Constants.ROOT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
       // test
-      tree.getChildren();
+      treePrint(tree);
+      // get root node ([]:1)
+      Node<Serializable, Object> rootNode =
+         tree.getChild(Fqn.fromElements(Constants.ROOT_PATH.getEntries()[Constants.ROOT_PATH.getEntries().length - 1]
+            .getAsString(true)));
+      assertNotNull("Node expected", rootNode);
+      assertEquals("Childs expected", 2, rootNode.getChildren().size());
+      for (Node<Serializable, Object> child : rootNode.getChildren())
+      {
+         String nodeName = child.getFqn().getLastElementAsString();
+         String nodeId = (String)child.get(JBossCacheStorageConnection.ITEM_ID);
+         if (nodeName.equals(node1path.getEntries()[node1path.getEntries().length - 1].getAsString(true)))
+         {
+            assertEquals("Node id wrong", node1id, nodeId);
+         }
+         else if (nodeName
+            .equals(Constants.JCR_SYSTEM_PATH.getEntries()[Constants.JCR_SYSTEM_PATH.getEntries().length - 1]
+               .getAsString(true)))
+         {
+            assertEquals("Node id wrong", Constants.SYSTEM_UUID, nodeId);
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            fail("Wrong Node name " + nodeName);
+         }
+      }
-   public void testGetChildNodesData()
+   public void testAddProperty() throws Exception
+      // add root (/)
+      conn.add(new TransientNodeData(Constants.ROOT_PATH, Constants.ROOT_UUID, 1, Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED,
+         new InternalQName[0], 0, Constants.ROOT_PARENT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
-      // prepare
+      // add property (/jcr:primaryType)
+      String propId1 = "1";
+      conn.add(new TransientPropertyData(QPath.makeChildPath(Constants.ROOT_PATH, Constants.JCR_PRIMARYTYPE), propId1,
+         1, 1, Constants.ROOT_UUID, false));
+      // add property (/jcr:mixinTypes)
+      String propId2 = "2";
+      conn.add(new TransientPropertyData(QPath.makeChildPath(Constants.ROOT_PATH, Constants.JCR_MIXINTYPES), propId2,
+         1, 1, Constants.ROOT_UUID, false));
+      // test
+      treePrint(tree);
+      Node<Serializable, Object> rootNode =
+         tree.getChild(Fqn.fromElements(Constants.ROOT_PATH.getEntries()[Constants.ROOT_PATH.getEntries().length - 1]
+            .getAsString(true)));
+      assertEquals("Attributes ammount wrong", 3, rootNode.getKeys().size());
+      String pid = (String)rootNode.get(Constants.JCR_PRIMARYTYPE.getAsString());
+      assertNotNull("Property ID should exists", pid);
+      assertEquals("Property ID wrong", propId1, pid);
+      pid = (String)rootNode.get(Constants.JCR_MIXINTYPES.getAsString());
+      assertNotNull("Property ID should exists", pid);
+      assertEquals("Property ID wrong", propId2, pid);
+      // TODO check order
+      int index = 0;
+      for (Serializable key : rootNode.getKeys())
+      {
+         //System.out.println(key);
+         //index++;
+      }
+   }
+   public void testDeleteNode() throws Exception
+   {
+      // add root (/)
+      conn.add(new TransientNodeData(Constants.ROOT_PATH, Constants.ROOT_UUID, 1, Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED,
+         new InternalQName[0], 0, Constants.ROOT_PARENT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
+      // add node (/node)
+      String node1id = "1";
+      QPath node1path = QPath.parse("[]:1[]node:1");
+      conn.add(new TransientNodeData(node1path, node1id, 1, Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED, new InternalQName[0], 0,
+         Constants.ROOT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
+      // add /jcr:system
+      conn.add(new TransientNodeData(Constants.JCR_SYSTEM_PATH, Constants.SYSTEM_UUID, 1, Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED,
+         new InternalQName[0], 0, Constants.ROOT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
+      // get root node ([]:1)
+      Node<Serializable, Object> rootNode =
+         tree.getChild(Fqn.fromElements(Constants.ROOT_PATH.getEntries()[Constants.ROOT_PATH.getEntries().length - 1]
+            .getAsString(true)));
+      assertEquals("Childs expected", 2, rootNode.getChildren().size());
+      // delete /node
+      conn.delete(new TransientNodeData(node1path, node1id, 1, Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED, new InternalQName[0], 0,
+         Constants.ROOT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
+      // test
+      treePrint(tree);
+      Node<Serializable, Object> node =
+         rootNode.getChild(Fqn
+            .fromElements(node1path.getEntries()[node1path.getEntries().length - 1].getAsString(true)));
+      assertNull("Node should be deleted", node);
+      assertEquals("Childs expected", 1, rootNode.getChildren().size());
+      Node<Serializable, Object> child = rootNode.getChildren().iterator().next();
+      assertEquals("Node name wrong",
+         Constants.JCR_SYSTEM_PATH.getEntries()[Constants.JCR_SYSTEM_PATH.getEntries().length - 1].getAsString(true),
+         child.getFqn().getLastElementAsString());
+      assertEquals("Node id wrong", Constants.SYSTEM_UUID, (String)child.get(JBossCacheStorageConnection.ITEM_ID));
+   }
+   public void testGetChildNodes() throws Exception
+   {
+      // prepare using JCR WDC API (not right way, JBC API better... but read assumes the write works)
+      // add root (/)
+      conn.add(new TransientNodeData(Constants.ROOT_PATH, Constants.ROOT_UUID, 1, Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED,
+         new InternalQName[0], 0, Constants.ROOT_PARENT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
+      // add node (/node)
+      String node1id = "1";
+      QPath node1path = QPath.parse("[]:1[]node:1");
+      conn.add(new TransientNodeData(node1path, node1id, 1, Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED, new InternalQName[0], 0,
+         Constants.ROOT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
+      // add /jcr:system
+      conn.add(new TransientNodeData(Constants.JCR_SYSTEM_PATH, Constants.SYSTEM_UUID, 1, Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED,
+         new InternalQName[0], 0, Constants.ROOT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
       // check
+      List<NodeData> childs =
+         conn.getChildNodesData(new TransientNodeData(Constants.ROOT_PATH, Constants.ROOT_UUID, 1,
+            Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED, new InternalQName[0], 0, Constants.ROOT_PARENT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
+      assertEquals("Childs amount wrong", 2, childs.size());
+      for (NodeData child : childs)
+      {
+         if (child.getQPath().equals(node1path))
+         {
+            assertEquals("Node id wrong", node1id, child.getIdentifier());
+         }
+         else if (child.getQPath().equals(Constants.JCR_SYSTEM_PATH))
+         {
+            assertEquals("Node id wrong", Constants.SYSTEM_UUID, child.getIdentifier());
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            fail("Wrong Node found");
+         }
+      }
+   public void testGetChildProperties() throws Exception
+   {
+      // prepare using JCR WDC API (not right way, JBC API better... but read assumes the write works)
+      // add root (/)
+      conn.add(new TransientNodeData(Constants.ROOT_PATH, Constants.ROOT_UUID, 1, Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED,
+         new InternalQName[0], 0, Constants.ROOT_PARENT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
+      // add property (/jcr:primaryType)
+      String propId1 = "1";
+      conn.add(new TransientPropertyData(QPath.makeChildPath(Constants.ROOT_PATH, Constants.JCR_PRIMARYTYPE), propId1,
+         1, 1, Constants.ROOT_UUID, false));
+      // add property (/jcr:mixinTypes)
+      String propId2 = "2";
+      conn.add(new TransientPropertyData(QPath.makeChildPath(Constants.ROOT_PATH, Constants.JCR_MIXINTYPES), propId2,
+         1, 1, Constants.ROOT_UUID, false));
+      // add property (/a)
+      String propId3 = "3";
+      InternalQName propName3 = InternalQName.parse("[]a");
+      conn.add(new TransientPropertyData(QPath.makeChildPath(Constants.ROOT_PATH, propName3), propId3, 1, 1,
+         Constants.ROOT_UUID, false));
+      // add property (/b)
+      String propId4 = "4";
+      InternalQName propName4 = InternalQName.parse("[]b");
+      conn.add(new TransientPropertyData(QPath.makeChildPath(Constants.ROOT_PATH, propName4), propId4, 1, 1,
+         Constants.ROOT_UUID, false));
+      // check
+      treePrint(tree);
+      List<PropertyData> childs =
+         conn.getChildPropertiesData(new TransientNodeData(Constants.ROOT_PATH, Constants.ROOT_UUID, 1,
+            Constants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED, new InternalQName[0], 0, Constants.ROOT_PARENT_UUID, new AccessControlList()));
+      assertEquals("Childs amount wrong", 4, childs.size());
+      for (PropertyData child : childs)
+      {
+         if (child.getQPath().getName().equals(Constants.JCR_PRIMARYTYPE))
+         {
+            assertEquals("Property id wrong", propId1, child.getIdentifier());
+         }
+         else if (child.getQPath().getName().equals(Constants.JCR_MIXINTYPES))
+         {
+            assertEquals("Property id wrong", propId2, child.getIdentifier());
+         }
+         else if (child.getQPath().getName().equals(propName3))
+         {
+            assertEquals("Property id wrong", propId3, child.getIdentifier());
+         }
+         else if (child.getQPath().getName().equals(propName4))
+         {
+            assertEquals("Property id wrong", propId4, child.getIdentifier());
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            fail("Wrong Property found");
+         }
+      }
+   }

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