[exo-jcr-commits] exo-jcr SVN: r2882 - in jcr/branches/1.12.x/docs/reference/en/src/main/docbook/en-US/modules: ws and 1 other directory.

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Thu Aug 5 06:29:54 EDT 2010

Author: dkatayev
Date: 2010-08-05 06:29:53 -0400 (Thu, 05 Aug 2010)
New Revision: 2882

EXOJCR-870 Release notes removed from reference

Deleted: jcr/branches/1.12.x/docs/reference/en/src/main/docbook/en-US/modules/ws/exo-ws-2-0-1.xml
--- jcr/branches/1.12.x/docs/reference/en/src/main/docbook/en-US/modules/ws/exo-ws-2-0-1.xml	2010-08-05 10:25:35 UTC (rev 2881)
+++ jcr/branches/1.12.x/docs/reference/en/src/main/docbook/en-US/modules/ws/exo-ws-2-0-1.xml	2010-08-05 10:29:53 UTC (rev 2882)
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
-<chapter id = "WS.2.0.1">
-  <?dbhtml filename="ch-exo-ws-2-0-1.html"?>
-  <title>eXo WS 2.0.1 Release Notes (released on 2009.04.16)</title>
-  <section>
-    <title>Notable Changes</title>
-    <para>Add supports for javax.ws.rs.core.Application. It is back compatible
-    feature.</para>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>API changes</title>
-    <para>None.</para>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>Dependencies changed</title>
-    <para>Use eXo Kernel version 2.1.1</para>
-    <para>Use eXo Core version 2.2.1</para>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>How to upgrade</title>
-    <para>It depends on kernel 2.1.1, core 2.2.1.</para>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>System Requirements</title>
-    <para>JVM: version 1.5.x</para>
-    <para>Building Tools: Maven 2.0.6 and up</para>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>Detailed Changelog</title>
-    <para>Complete list of issues fixed in eXo-Ws Version 2.0.1 . Find details
-    on JIRA <link
-    linkend="???">http://jira.exoplatform.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=10631&amp;styleName=Text&amp;projectId=10070&amp;Create=Create</link>.</para>
-    <programlisting>Bug
-* [WS-125] - net.oauth wrong artifact id declared in maven dependencies
-* [WS-137] - Error of processing the request with encoded in UTF-8 content by gadgets.io
-* [WS-146] - In HierarchicalProperty class missing check QName.getPrefix() for length is 0
-* [WS-159] - Need add charSet for Reader and Writer in JSON transformers, problem come in in Windows OS.
-* [WS-165] - Incorrect maven dependency on net.oauth:net.oauth.core:20080229 
-* [WS-166] - Generated files commited in svn
-* [WS-177] - Connection problem with NTLM when trying to connect two users in same time
-* [WS-183] - Use parent pom 1.1.1 in trunk
-* [WS-138] - Add supports for javax.ws.rs.core.Application in RESTful framework
-New Feature
-* [WS-176] - Create filter for URL rewriting
-* [WS-182] - Create new simple Deploy Service method with JaxWsProxyFactoryBean
-* [WS-168] - Change URL format of groovy services to "/{command}/{repostory}/{workspace}/{path}"
-* [WS-170] - oAuth in gadgets. Get protected resource from gadgets.
-* [WS-171] - Migrate module configuration to use kernel_1_0.xsd
-* [WS-172] - Remove unnecessary configuration from all the JARs' configuration.xml
-* [WS-184] - Release WS-2.0.1</programlisting>
-  </section>

Deleted: jcr/branches/1.12.x/docs/reference/en/src/main/docbook/en-US/modules/ws/exo-ws-2-0.xml
--- jcr/branches/1.12.x/docs/reference/en/src/main/docbook/en-US/modules/ws/exo-ws-2-0.xml	2010-08-05 10:25:35 UTC (rev 2881)
+++ jcr/branches/1.12.x/docs/reference/en/src/main/docbook/en-US/modules/ws/exo-ws-2-0.xml	2010-08-05 10:29:53 UTC (rev 2882)
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
-<chapter id = "WS.2.0">
-  <?dbhtml filename="ch-exo-ws-2-0.html"?>
-  <title>eXo WS 2.0 Release Notes (released on 2009.02.07)</title>
-  <section>
-    <title>Notable Changes</title>
-    <para>REST framework based on JSR-311 specification including:</para>
-    <itemizedlist>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Support of JSR-311 annotations</para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Support all media types specified in section 4.2.4 Standard
-        Entity Providers of jaxrs-1.0-final specification. Additional support
-        for 'multipart/*' and 'application/json' media types.</para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>WADL generation on receipt an OPTIONS request</para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Addition feature request and response filters. Filters is
-        similar to servlet filter and gives possibility to modify request and
-        response</para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Support for RESTful services that made in Groovy.</para>
-      </listitem>
-    </itemizedlist>
-    <para>OAuth implementation able to use persistent storage for
-    'tickets'</para>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>API changes</title>
-    <para>RESTful services MUST use JAX-RS annotations..</para>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>Dependencies changed</title>
-    <para>Use eXo Kernel version 2.1</para>
-    <para>Use eXo Core version 2.2</para>
-    <para>Use maven-ant-run-plugin version 1.3 instead 1.2-SNAPSHOT</para>
-    <para>Use jcifs version 1.2.19 instead 1.2.17</para>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>How to upgrade</title>
-    <para>See REST Migration to jsr311</para>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>System Requirements</title>
-    <para>JVM: version 1.5.x</para>
-    <para>Building Tools: Maven 2.0.6 and up</para>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>Detailed Changelog</title>
-    <para>Complete list of issues fixed in eXo-Ws Version 2.0. Find details on
-    <link
-    linkend="???">http://jira.exoplatform.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=10432&amp;styleName=Text&amp;projectId=10070&amp;Create=Create</link></para>
-    <programlisting>Bug
-* [WS-124] - Usage of SNAPSHOT in maven dependencies
-* [WS-126] - jcifs 1.2.17 is not available in public maven repo, but 1.2.19 is.
-* [WS-127] - wrong groupId for catalina dependency declaration
-* [WS-69] - oAuth should be able to use with annotation JSR250.
-* [WS-74] - Add possibility transfer large data (files) via org.exoplatform.services.rest.impl.provider.MultipartFormDataEntityProvider
-* [WS-77] - Check if the class org.exoplatform.ws.rest.ejbconnector30.RestEJBConnector can better handle the Portal Container to be compatible with multiple portal instance
-* [WS-78] - Check if the class org.exoplatform.ws.rest.ejbconnector21.RestEJBConnectorBean can better handle the Portal Container to be compatible with multiple portal instance
-* [WS-97] - Add support for X-HTTP-Method-Override header
-* [WS-98] - Use URI pattern for request and response filters.
-* [WS-57] - Refactor eXo REST engine to compatibility with JSR-311.
-* [WS-68] - Refactor REST EJB conector according to new implementation of REST engine (JSR-311). See WS-57.
-* [WS-75] - Add WADL generation for request with OPTIONS HTTP method.
-* [WS-81] - Change cometd service for JSR-311
-* [WS-92] - Pre-release testing plan for QA team
-* [WS-93] - Move webdav methods to the package org.exoplatform.services.rest.ext.method.webdav
-* [WS-94] - More description of classes' purpose in rest.ext sources
-* [WS-95] - Remove StandaloneContainerInitializedListener from JCR (one from WS has to be used everywhere), move PortalContainerInitializedFilter from JCR to WS
-* [WS-117] - jsr-311 capability tests
-* [WS-101] - Create service for administration groovy scripts for REST via HTTP.
-* [WS-116] - Merge code to the branches/2.0</programlisting>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>Download</title>
-    <para>Sources: <link
-    linkend="???">http://download.forge.objectweb.org/exoplatform/exo-ws-2.0-src.zip</link></para>
-    <para>Demo: <link
-    linkend="???">http://download.forge.objectweb.org/exoplatform/exo-ws-2.0-tomcat.zip</link></para>
-  </section>

Modified: jcr/branches/1.12.x/docs/reference/en/src/main/docbook/en-US/modules/ws.xml
--- jcr/branches/1.12.x/docs/reference/en/src/main/docbook/en-US/modules/ws.xml	2010-08-05 10:25:35 UTC (rev 2881)
+++ jcr/branches/1.12.x/docs/reference/en/src/main/docbook/en-US/modules/ws.xml	2010-08-05 10:29:53 UTC (rev 2882)
@@ -8,53 +8,47 @@
   <xi:include href="ws/ws.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/introduction-to-rest.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/introduction-to-rest.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/rest-service-tutorial.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/rest-service-tutorial.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/rest-migration-to-jsr311.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/rest-migration-to-jsr311.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/groovy-scripts-as-rest-services.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/groovy-scripts-as-rest-services.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/rest-framework.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/rest-framework.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/soap-service-tutorial.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/soap-service-tutorial.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/central-authentication-service-configuration.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/central-authentication-service-configuration.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/kerberos-sso-on-active-directory.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/kerberos-sso-on-active-directory.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/oauth.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/oauth.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/cometd.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/cometd.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/cometd-cluster.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/cometd-cluster.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/framework-for-cross-domain-ajax.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/framework-for-cross-domain-ajax.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/cometd-cluster-bench.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/cometd-cluster-bench.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/javascript-webdav-library.xml"
+  <xi:include href="ws/javascript-webdav-library.xml"
               xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/exo-ws-2-0.xml"
-              xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-  <xi:include href="ws/exo-ws-2-0-1.xml"
-              xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />

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